[Free] Auto Terrain Cover V3 - Release

I am using 4.17 now and it said this module is not compatible with version and need to recompile. Any help please?

This is cool

Updated the plugin for 4.18 some changes were needed to fix some lighting changes for 4.18. As well as something that was broken with the Time of Day update causing the sun to not rotate correctly

Also for some reason i am not getting post emails when people as questions on here. Apologies for missing the above questions.

@ can you please screen shot the changes you made to fix some lighting changes for 4.18? my version of your mat has a lot layers added lol.

I’m at work currently but i do believe it was manly the sun rotation calculation. I had to invert the calculations. if you load the new one into a fresh project look at the sun position calculations.

How do i use the procedural Foliage Spawner? I can’t drop it onto the map. Thanks.

Edit: found it. Have to enable it under experimental.

Hi @ , first of all thanks for sharing such a great landscape material to the community!
I wanted to ask if there’s any chance of adding distance based tesselation to it?


Performance hell!!! lol. I want it but man that performance hits is making me rethink my current approach

I didn’t expect this plugin to make a terrain to this scale so quickly!

Just a quick question, how do you add collision to the foliage? I tried adding it in the Static Meshes but to no avail.

HI nice Work but i have a question, you writte that your Plugin support Version 4.18+ . I work with 4.18 but i get a error Message by restarting the engine for loading the Plugin what do i wrong ?

the textures go to the default ue4 texture whenever I do something why?

I do believe that should say auto terrain cover not texturer make sure you get the newest plugin not the older one.

that happens if you move the content from the plugin folder to your projects content folder. IE you didnt install it correctly

Awesome plugin!
But i have one question how can i disable foliage spawn?

I’m a newbie to this, I can’t actually find how to make it work. How do I use it?

is this usable in 4.19? I switched a project to 4.19 and got a binary error like the guy got a couple posts above.

Me too! I have an error in the last version of the engine, the 4.19 isnt compatible. Please update the archive!! Good job with this plugin men!

Theres a video on the OP on how to update the plugin to the newest version but there is a bug in 4.19 that will reset all your material instances to the defaults that really breaks this plugin. I have not used 4.19 since. I hope its fixed soon though. To update all ypou need to do is drop the plugin in a c++ project and compile the project to update the plugins binaries.

Theres a video on the OP on how to update the plugin to the newest version but there is a bug in 4.19 that will reset all your material instances to the defaults that really breaks this plugin. I have not used 4.19 since. I hope its fixed soon though. To update all ypou need to do is drop the plugin in a c++ project and compile the project to update the plugins binaries.