[FREE] Advanced Cinematic Grass Blueprint with 3D Imposter Sprite foliage


Thank you for this awesome texture!

I am a graduate student in the college of architecture trying to learn unreal for my master’s thesis. I am new to this program but want to create an environment that looks as real as possible. I believe this grass would be an excellent option for the project. I know you mentioned releasing tutorials on how to use this and was wondering if you have already? (I did not see any on your youtube channel). I have the demo opened but am not sure how to apply the texture to the world. Do you assign the landscape to the blueprint or as a material? Is this texture extremely advanced for new users?

Any help is appreciated even if it is just simply resources to other tutorials.

Thank you again for releasing this texture!

Started using this and boy does it look gorgeous! Except when you play your game. It looks great with the blueprint in the level and settings applied, but when you play the game, the grass resets to default, exactly like the grass in Eddie’s screenshot.

Why doesn’t this work? Sadly, based on the lack of support, I can’t risk waiting around for an answer.

Well I sorta solved my problem. There is a Custom Event in the Event Graph of AdvancedWindBP that is named OnPlay. This event doesn’t get called whatsoever, so the OnloadSettings event just gets stuck on a closed DoOnce. I solved the problem by adding an EventBeginPlay below OnPlay and plugged that into the Sequence node after the DoOnce. Now the settings apply correctly to the Grass in-game.


go back a few posts and it literally explains how to set up how to load your settings on play :smiley:

Is there a way to prevent procedural grass in controlled spaces? I have the grass installed but would like to put a road through it. Thanks!

EDIT: Apologies. I just re-read this thread and found the answer.

Hey guys,
Didn’t realize there were this many comments on here, thought it would notify me through email or something. Regardless sorry for the lack of support here lately…now it’s time to get back to work. Went ahead and updated the project to 4.14 (EDITED: it now works with 4.23) as well as fixing the problem when migrating it to a new project, and the problem it had upon play where the grass would show up all crazy. Fixed the issue with 4.14 where the trees would be all HUGE and look weird. Added Parallax Occluded clouds with the scene too, but still a work in progress, as they follow the camera around a bit at the moment, just a lil bit more tweaking:)

Anyways, check it out V1.3 (V 1.4 now). Thanks for the huge support guys, I appreciate it!

Download Link:
Version 1.4: GrassBlueprintV1.4.rar - Google Drive

Hey again man, long time no talk :stuck_out_tongue:

This is what I meant by subtracting the layer mask.

Onto the second problem you’re having, let me describe it a bit first…in unreal 4 when you use a alpha type blending with layers, the engine’s trying to blend whatever layer you’re puting down with whatever layer(s) are already there. Since there isn’t a layer already there by default, but rather just a material, whenever you goto paint that tile, the back of it becomes pitch black, while just leaving what you painted.

To fix this, first create a base default layer then paint the entire landscape with that base layer (it just contains everything that your unlayered material would contain, this is already done for you in the grass blueprint project and is called “Base Texture”). You can then paint new layers onto the tiles and they’ll blend properly. BTW if you use the layer “Grass Texture” in the project it gets rid of the procedural grass where it’s placed and is an example of how to handle that too with layers.

Uhhh, that’s why it says, "As a note, this requires version 4.10 or above to open the project. " at the bottom of the OP bro. Ya have to read the fine print lol. Just update your UE4 and it should all work good :slight_smile:

Hi, this is what I was talking about in the message. I am unsure how to “subtract the layer mask” is this added as a landscape layer? Thanks!

Hey levallo,
Made a little tutorial on imgur http://imgur.com/a/fiEAd pertaining to all of this, then thought…ok I already made a subtractive layer within the project itself lol. Goto your landscape layer painter for your terrain, and just paint on the layer “Grass Texture” it’s already setup to subtract the grass meshes from the terrain…TADA!!! Wish I would’ve realized that before I made all those images lol…oh well, maybe someone can get something out of it.

Dear Aaron,

first i want to say great work and thank you very much for sharing this with the community.

However one thing missing for this great looking asset is the ability to react to a player passing through it.
I searched the web for information on how this could be achieved and finally stumbled upon a solution way back from 2014.

As with many things, like volumetric lighting for example, I don’t get why epic hasn’t built in these things by now. (Luckily there is nvidia volumetric branch, which I am using right now, still I hope they would just bring it over to the main engine as I don’t know how to merge branches and fear I will be stuck with 4.15 forever if I want that volumetric light :frowning: )

Anyway, back to topic: I managed to add the grass bending to your super grass and I now want to share this with you and anyone here using your grass =)

For this to work we will need to make a few additions to the parameter collection of each supergrass that should support this.
For example i will modify “supergrass5” to enable bending (you can repeat these steps with all 5 supergrasses to enable it on all of them).

Open up the material parameter collection for supergrass5: AWSpecial_MPC5N
Add 4 scalar parameters:

Name: EnablePlayerBending
Default: 0

Name: PlayerSize
Default: 60

Name: BendStrengthXY
Default: 256

Name: BendStrengthZ
Default: -256

Additionally add one Vector Parameter:

Name: PlayerPosition
Default: 1,1,1,1

Next we need to edit “Advanced-Grass-Blueprint-Preset-5” (under functions and some more folders ^^)

Add the following section to the blueprint:

I put it below Aaron’s stuff right under the WPO Output.

Now you have to connect it to Aaron’s outputs like shown here:

As you can see it uses the paramaters we added to the collection.

To be frank I don’t get the whole math behind it, this blueprint is, as mentioned before, not designed by me but found on the unreal forums in a 2014 post.

Anyway, a last step is needed to make it actually work:

In your level blueprint you have to

  1. enable the bending by Setting “EnablePlayerBending” to 1 in the ParamCollection in the OnBeginPlay event
  2. in the onTick event you have to set the PlayerPosition in the ParamCollection
    (For supergrass5 this is “AWSpecial_MPC5N”)

Note that when you have added this stuff to all 5 supergrasses, you will have to enable it and update the position on all 5 parameter collections as well.

I made playersize and bendstrengths parameters so you can easily change it to fit your character’s size.

I hope you guys have fun with this little addition.

Heya! I am currently having a problem with this at the moment. I am rather new to using UE4, and I currently have an issue where the meshes turn into jaggy polygonal materials rather than grass:

I’ve been trying to fool around with this and see what I can do, but the error log gives me this:

It acts like they aren’t there, which… they are. I didn’t move them anywhere, and I didn’t mess with anything to cause this to happen, unless I missed a step somewhere in installing these. But, any help with this would be greatly appreciated!

How i can import this in my project?

is this compatible with UE4.16?

I Extract the rar file i get 3 Checksum error The file is corrupt and the Dropbox

looks like its missing thoses files did you check to see if there at there location? which engine version u using?

Uhmmm… When I drag the grass meshes into the foliage tool, they turn into groups of gray planes…

Just downloaded and tested this grass blueprint. It is amazing!!!
Thanks so much, Aaron, for sharing this!!

will be great to get this in the learn tab, it’s been quite a while

I love playing with this Aaron, really amazing. I’m having a tiny problem though, small patches of it seem to flicker when I mouse over the content browser, or if I go to render a cinematic. It almost looks like clipping, but it happens at multiple depths of the grass, not just close by?

wow. this is Super amazing. real, time consuming work made easy. Thank for sharing.

So is this really only for procedurally generated and would not really work for a map full of mesh’s?