[FREE] Advanced Cinematic Grass Blueprint with 3D Imposter Sprite foliage

Hey everybody! Just updated the version of this to work with UE 4.23, link’s in the description on the first page :wink: . Sorry about the long AFK, moved out of the country for a while with work and it’s been pretty crazy all around. Most of the challenges I’m seeing with this project after going over your guys comments should be fixed with this update. I’ll dig through the comments one more time on this iteration of the update and see if I missed anything before calling it “fully updated” for right now. I’ll add what I find to the Trello Board: Trello

The one thing I’m seeing that some people are having trouble with though, that isn’t really addressed here, is with the foliage flickering. This is most likely a bounds issue caused by the viewing angle occluding geometry behind it…so basically the further grass gets away, the more grass gets in front of other grass until you have a bounds issue, where things flicker (usually taller grass does this more).

Edited: For some reason though, I can’t seem to replicate the problem on my end, this may have been fixed with the version update or I may have to tweak some settings. If someone else runs into this with the newest version or any other problems, lemme know. Thanks.

Hi does anyone here know how to turn off the wind movements on the grass?