[FREE] Advanced Cinematic Grass Blueprint with 3D Imposter Sprite foliage

Downloaded the file but I’m unable to load it with Unreal Engine 4.9.2. It gets to 90% - and it crashes. Here’s the error info:

Access violation - code c0000005 (first/second chance not available)


UE4Editor_Core!FGenericPlatformString::LogBogusChars<wchar_t,char>() [d:\buildfarm\buildmachine_++depot+ue4-releases+4.9\engine\source\runtime\core\private\genericplatform\genericplatformstring.cpp:38]
UE4Editor_Core!operator<<() [d:\buildfarm\buildmachine_++depot+ue4-releases+4.9\engine\source\runtime\core\private\containers\string.cpp:1075]
UE4Editor_Core!operator<<() [d:\buildfarm\buildmachine_++depot+ue4-releases+4.9\engine\source\runtime\core\public\containers\array.h:1199]
UE4Editor_Core!FCustomVersionContainer::Serialize() [d:\buildfarm\buildmachine_++depot+ue4-releases+4.9\engine\source\runtime\core\private\serialization\customversion.cpp:101]
UE4Editor_CoreUObject!operator<<() [d:\buildfarm\buildmachine_++depot+ue4-releases+4.9\engine\source\runtime\coreuobject\private\uobject\packagefilesummary.cpp:79]
UE4Editor_UnrealEd!UEditorEngine::PackageIsAMapFile() [d:\buildfarm\buildmachine_++depot+ue4-releases+4.9\engine\source\editor\unrealed\private\editorserver.cpp:2100]
UE4Editor_UnrealEd!UEditorEngine::Map_Load() [d:\buildfarm\buildmachine_++depot+ue4-releases+4.9\engine\source\editor\unrealed\private\editorserver.cpp:2181]
UE4Editor_UnrealEd!UEditorEngine::HandleMapCommand() [d:\buildfarm\buildmachine_++depot+ue4-releases+4.9\engine\source\editor\unrealed\private\editorserver.cpp:5823]
UE4Editor_UnrealEd!UEditorEngine::Exec() [d:\buildfarm\buildmachine_++depot+ue4-releases+4.9\engine\source\editor\unrealed\private\editorserver.cpp:5317]
UE4Editor_UnrealEd!UUnrealEdEngine::Exec() [d:\buildfarm\buildmachine_++depot+ue4-releases+4.9\engine\source\editor\unrealed\private\unrealedsrv.cpp:743]
UE4Editor_UnrealEd!FEditorFileUtils::LoadMap() [d:\buildfarm\buildmachine_++depot+ue4-releases+4.9\engine\source\editor\unrealed\private\filehelpers.cpp:2014]
UE4Editor_UnrealEd!FEditorFileUtils::LoadDefaultMapAtStartup() [d:\buildfarm\buildmachine_++depot+ue4-releases+4.9\engine\source\editor\unrealed\private\filehelpers.cpp:3215]
UE4Editor_UnrealEd!FUnrealEdMisc::OnInit() [d:\buildfarm\buildmachine_++depot+ue4-releases+4.9\engine\source\editor\unrealed\private\unrealedmisc.cpp:299]
UE4Editor_UnrealEd!EditorInit() [d:\buildfarm\buildmachine_++depot+ue4-releases+4.9\engine\source\editor\unrealed\private\unrealed.cpp:86]
UE4Editor!GuardedMain() [d:\buildfarm\buildmachine_++depot+ue4-releases+4.9\engine\source\runtime\launch\private\launch.cpp:133]
UE4Editor!GuardedMainWrapper() [d:\buildfarm\buildmachine_++depot+ue4-releases+4.9\engine\source\runtime\launch\private\windows\launchwindows.cpp:126]
UE4Editor!WinMain() [d:\buildfarm\buildmachine_++depot+ue4-releases+4.9\engine\source\runtime\launch\private\windows\launchwindows.cpp:200]

Is it my machine or the file??

Architecture Graduate student looking for grass

Hi BlueSquall, if you’re migrating the asset to another project, make sure you’re migrating all it needs to run properly. Here it looks like you’ve migrated the meshes and probably some other stuff, but the migration tool missed some stuff too. It should be easily fixed if you go back into the main project I’ve given you and migrate the materials and instances for those meshes also…just see what material instance or material im using for those meshes in there and migrate those, should work, if not let me know :slight_smile:

Thanks for the compliment…was thinking about letting people add mirrors to the DL and putting them up on here in the OP, but I suppose that would raise a security issue, since I wouldn’t know what was going into the packages on their server and don’t really have time to check and see if it’s the exact same thing. Nothing personal, just no more mirrors from people on their server that’ll get put into the OP, now if you’re talking about puting the file on your server and offering it up on your website or blog or whatever, I don’t have a problem with that at all. Thanks for helping, I appreciate it.

Already in the works man, on the whole puting bushes and flowers and extra stuff into the project :slight_smile:
Dunno about the whole grant thing just yet, have read about and seen some of the people’s work on there and yeah, ain’t on par with all that yet. Am creating a dynamic weather system and it should be up here in the free section when I get it done (these things are taking longer than I expected). There’s a load more homemade foliage on there and I’ll add them to this project too when it gets completed.

Dev Finger, first select the “AdvancedWindBP” that’s placed in the world of your project then goto your Level blueprint right click and create a reference to it (make sure it’s selected first in the world though). Drag a pin off from it and type in “onload settings” add that node, then drag another pin off, type in “on play” and add that, then you should be in business after hooking them up like in the picture I gave.

I actually used world machine to create the heightmap and mask for the terrain, no in editor sculpted was done to it except to lower or flatten it where I would be placing houses or roads. Here’s the link to the 4K Heightmap I made in WorldMachine for this terrain :slight_smile: http://www.mediafire.com/view/47b978…/Heightmap.png . You’ll just have to import it into your new project through the terrain tool and it’ll work giving the map it’s proper heights.

Don’t have much time over here to make a tutorial on UV Coord Tracing but I’ll put a link in the description of the youtube video to download the project itself. Thanks for the interest, it’s something that was a little more complicated than I originally thought. Makes me wish Unreal would handle UV coord from hit a bit better and easier rather than having to do it manually through math.

Hey again man, long time no talk :stuck_out_tongue:

This is what I meant by subtracting the layer mask.

Onto the second problem you’re having, let me describe it a bit first…in unreal 4 when you use a alpha type blending with layers, the engine’s trying to blend whatever layer you’re puting down with whatever layer(s) are already there. Since there isn’t a layer already there by default, but rather just a material, whenever you goto paint that tile, the back of it becomes pitch black, while just leaving what you painted.

To fix this, first create a base default layer then paint the entire landscape with that base layer (it just contains everything that your unlayered material would contain, this is already done for you in the grass blueprint project and is called “Base Texture”). You can then paint new layers onto the tiles and they’ll blend properly. BTW if you use the layer “Grass Texture” in the project it gets rid of the procedural grass where it’s placed and is an example of how to handle that too with layers.

Uhhh, that’s why it says, "As a note, this requires version 4.10 or above to open the project. " at the bottom of the OP bro. Ya have to read the fine print lol. Just update your UE4 and it should all work good :slight_smile:

Hey again man, long time no talk :stuck_out_tongue:

This is what I meant by subtracting the layer mask.

Onto the second problem you’re having, let me describe it a bit first…in unreal 4 when you use a alpha type blending with layers, the engine’s trying to blend whatever layer you’re puting down with whatever layer(s) are already there. Since there isn’t a layer already there by default, but rather just a material, whenever you goto paint that tile, the back of it becomes pitch black, while just leaving what you painted.

To fix this, first create a base default layer then paint the entire landscape with that base layer (it just contains everything that your unlayered material would contain, this is already done for you in the grass blueprint project and is called “Base Texture”). You can then paint new layers onto the tiles and they’ll blend properly. BTW if you use the layer “Grass Texture” in the project it gets rid of the procedural grass where it’s placed and is an example of how to handle that too with layers.

Uhhh, that’s why it says, "As a note, this requires version 4.10 or above to open the project. " at the bottom of the OP bro. Ya have to read the fine print lol. Just update your UE4 and it should all work good :slight_smile:

Thank you for your answer bro Btw your attachment pictures arent working :slight_smile:

Thanks for your help Aaron!

One more thing - all my grass looks like it was machine planted in rows in a field - all stems of the grass are in rows like a cornfield. So, if you angle the view of the camera in a certain position, you see all the rows of the grass and it looks awful. Your demo doesn’t do that. All grass is placed random, or so it seems. Is there a tweak I need to do to not see the rows? Do I just make the grass longer to hide that? Or is there some parameter I need to set. All I did was migrate your demo material instance into my project, but I’m worried some setting was defaulted?

what can shortest way to change to own leaves texture? Thx for help :smiley:

Okay thanks tell me when you put the files!

Thank you very much! This is really helpful!

Thank you Aaron for this awesome content! But i still can’t make it work.

I did those three nodes, copied settings but but nothing helped (pic).

i have the exact same problem as RockyRock, there seem to be no way around it, it occurs even in the demo map when the original advancedwind blueprint is replaced, besides that your demo is lovely though and thanks for sharing your creation

Can anyone post a guide on how to apply this to a standard mesh? I just can’t get it to work, if I add GrassShader2 or something to a material I just get one giant wavy grass texture.

I can’t add the Advanced Grass function nodes to my materials, they just aren’t listed :frowning:

EDIT: Ok got past that part (dragged the functions in manually). I see the talk of ‘use on your own mesh’ was referring to applying the wind rather than any kind of grass spawning :slight_smile:

Going to try plugging it into my ISMC foliage spawning and see what happens…

Got it all working, very nice :slight_smile:

I don’t see a license on here, do you mind if I include your grass in my procedural terrain prpject? With credit obviously. It’s a free plug-in for the community which I’m releasing under the MIT license, see thread :

Got it looking real nice :slight_smile:

Now I need to try and access the grass colour values so I can use it on the terrain material to smooth out the transition from grass -> no grass.

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can I use this commercially?

Oh never mind, I just realized the grass with all the dependend stuff is only about 60mb. Sorry for my first comment (maybe a mod can delete it?). And thanks for the great work! (:

You can delete your own comments, IIRC, just go to edit post and look at the bottom right.

@AaronWith2As I’m really interested in this image below any ides of releasing it? also i;m getting a black landscape texture after updating to 4.13 using your terrain mat. thanks

Hi thanks for the free assets!

Though when i try to use it, it’s telling me there is UV overlapping and the wind cast dark shadows. It is strange because i seem to be the only one experiencing it? (UE4 4.13)

I just started to do your 1.2 Tutorial and wanted to let you know it showed one error during migration to a new project. “Error /Game/Finished_ProjectBP/Meshes/SuperGrass does not exist on disk.”

Thanks for this Amazing tool!!!

So I just hit play and my Green grass radically changes colors during play:

How do I fix this???

Sorry to keep adding to the post. I just tried to add super grass 5 and it shows in the editor but when you hit play it turns it into super grass 4. which is the first grass I applied.

So 11 days later I am still wondering how to get rid of the orange grass. Any ideas on the issue???