FPS is low but the hardware does not work even by half

I am a beginner, and already at the initial stage I faced an optimization problem in my project. Now I’m learning profiling tools to find all the problem areas, but I don’t understand why I have such a low FPS, despite the fact that the computer is not even half loaded.

Hi, from your first image you’re GPU bound. stat gpu would be a next console command to see the GPU time more detailed.

And I don’t know what the Utilization of the GPU in the task manager means. Better open a windows command console and type nvidia-smi to see your GPU usage.

Can’t start nvidia-smi. I’m trying to solve this problem

Can you show an image of stat gpu ?

And UEs multithreading is limited (you have mainly two threads, the game thread and the draw thread, so if you have a multicore CPU the CPU usage shown in the task manager will always be low) and I don’t know what the GPU usage in the task manager means, even if I’m GPU bound in my project it only shows a couple percent GPU usage, whereas nvidia-smi shows 98% usage which is more likely =)

I did some tests, and I realized that the problem was mainly in the lighting. Everything works better with static lighting. But honestly, 47fps is not the good result I was aiming for, since 80% of the objects, such as plants, are not yet in the scene. Can this result be considered satisfactory, or is further optimization needed?

If you test or profile performance in the editor, then it will always be worse, since you’re also seeing the performance used up by the editor which will in the end give you wrong results. Better test/profile performance in standalone.

But honestly, 47fps is not the good
result I was aiming for, since 80% of
the objects, such as plants, are not
yet in the scene. Can this result be
considered satisfactory, or is further
optimization needed?

I don’t know what FPS you’re targeting, but foliage is generally quite heavy on performance so if you start including foliage into your scene you should expect to loose some performance. Generally I would suggest that you copy your current map, and then just quickly put in all the things you want there (foliage, so the 80% that is not there but that you want there) without taking too much time placing things and then profile performance and then optimize from that. Once you learn what causes performance issues then you can start taking time placing things on your current map, otherwise you may spend much time placing things only to see in the end that it won’t work that way and that you need to start again.

Thank you!