Forward Shading strange test result


I read in science books, on forums etc. that the Forward Shading method is worse when the scene contains a lot of dynamic lights. Looking at the definition of Forward Rendering it can be easily precise that it is pretty obvious.

However, after I do some research it is not true and I don’t know why.
Can someone explain it?

For tests, I created the scene with more than 100 moving lights but Forward Rendering is still better. I use the 5.4.4 version of Unreal Engine. I tried on package game and in editor but the result is always the same.

Test results:

Deferred Rendering - 43 FPS

Forward Rendering - 140 FPS

During the test with the Deferred rendering Method - Lumen and reflections were set to none to imitate the Forward Rendering so the result should be accurate.

Other result on the internet is the opposite of mine tests.

My question is what is wrong then? It is really strange.

Forward shading supports a lot less features, things are probably being turn off that you don’t realize when using it.

Yeah you are right, it can be the reason

Depends on implementation, but in Unreal Forward Shading is pretty much always faster. But doesn’t look as good.

Lumen is currently pretty slow so disabling it was the vast majority of performance gains. We are still using good old light maps until Lumen is more performant.

Utilize MegaLights and enable it on all of your light sources.

Thanks for the answer, Lumen is disabled in my Deferred Rendering scene but maybe it depends on how the light impacts the objects or my PC performance, thanks anyway

Thanks for the answer. It’s good way to fix FPS ,but I am trying to answer on the question that I need for my master degree work on 5.4.4. Just my tests are not compatibility with the definition of the forward rendering but as it was mentioned it depends on 100x other things maybe that’s why.

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