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Unreal Editor for Fortnite
What Type of Bug are you experiencing?
Our current map currently crashes Fortnite each time we push changes during a live test session. It will also crash Fortnite if we attempt to do a memory calculation. We are unable to publish changes due to this. The project will load just fine, it uploads to a private session just fine, and we can start and end a game without issues. We have manually gone through each texture and material and found no validation issues. We have individually validated each asset and cannot find a conflict. The current live publishes version is almost virtually identical to the version we are trying to publish and now getting these errors.
Steps to Reproduce
- Open project in UEFN
- Launch Session
- Start Game
- Launch Memory calculation (Or push changes from UEFN)
- Fortnite Crashes and memory calculation does not complete
Expected Result
Completed memory calculation
Observed Result
Fortnite closes and a Fortnite Crash report screen opens.
Fortnite crashes on both Windows PC and Playstation 4
Island Code