Fortnite crashing when pushing changes or launching memory test

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Unreal Editor for Fortnite

What Type of Bug are you experiencing?



Our current map currently crashes Fortnite each time we push changes during a live test session. It will also crash Fortnite if we attempt to do a memory calculation. We are unable to publish changes due to this. The project will load just fine, it uploads to a private session just fine, and we can start and end a game without issues. We have manually gone through each texture and material and found no validation issues. We have individually validated each asset and cannot find a conflict. The current live publishes version is almost virtually identical to the version we are trying to publish and now getting these errors.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Open project in UEFN
  2. Launch Session
  3. Start Game
  4. Launch Memory calculation (Or push changes from UEFN)
  5. Fortnite Crashes and memory calculation does not complete

Expected Result

Completed memory calculation

Observed Result

Fortnite closes and a Fortnite Crash report screen opens.


Fortnite crashes on both Windows PC and Playstation 4

Island Code


If you are using Verse Persistence in your project see the work around I found here: