I’m using the FOnlineSessionNull to find sessions.
The problem is that I’m warned about LAN broadcast packet overflow, cannot broadcast on LAN
which is due to Packet.HasOverflow()
void FOnlineSessionNull::OnValidQueryPacketReceived(uint8* PacketData, int32 PacketLength, uint64 ClientNonce)
you have a check for packet overflow
// Broadcast this response so the client can see us
if (!Packet.HasOverflow())
LANSessionManager.BroadcastPacket(Packet, Packet.GetByteCount());
UE_LOG_ONLINE(Warning, TEXT("LAN broadcast packet overflow, cannot broadcast on LAN"));
The packet size is initialized in
uint32 FOnlineSessionNull::FindLANSession()
FNboSerializeToBufferNull Packet(LAN_BEACON_MAX_PACKET_SIZE);
LANSessionManager.CreateClientQueryPacket(Packet, LANSessionManager.LanNonce);
Questions :
- Why the packet is limited to 512 ?
- Where can I change the size of the buffer for packet ?
- The log message does not correspond to the error kind. “Packet overflow” will be more adequate.