I’m having a problem with the foliage texture resolution in my project. No matter what I do, the textures are rendering at a very low quality from a distance. For example, my new willow tree looks alright in SpeedTree, but when I set it up in UE there’s a massive quality drop off. I notice this on both the leaves and the bark, but it is most obvious on the leaf textures. I’m using Quixel Megascan textures for both the bark and leaves. What I need is the best looking trees possible, optimization doesn’t matter.
This is what I’ve currently been trying and what was suggested on the internet:
The tree only has one LOD
The textures are forced to use no MipMaps (this gives better results vs sharpening)
The textures are all 4K
Created my own leaf material in case the prebuilt one was causing problems (no visible difference)
The engine scalability settings are all set to the highest possible option
Anti Aliasing is set to TemporalAA, all other options cause additional problems
There are no cameras in the scene
Post Processing Volume does not have Depth of Field enabled
Texture Streaming is turned off