Foliage not rendering through movie render

foliage not rendering through movie render,but other hand placed static meshes of trees are showing up. Would love a quick answer.

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r.forceLOD 0
foliage.ForceLOD 0

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thanks for the reply ,
But it didnt work , its probably not an LOD problem, because it does render once in a while. also it renders properly in legacy render.

So the problem I understand is in the profile, show me your settings and let’s see

is this it??

uff this is so so, give me some minutes

well is compiling shaders, I need more than minutes hhah :sweat_smile:

Try this one too, and please use at least png…

gott it, i turned off use LOD0 and it worked.
thank you for the help tho.


None of these fixes worked for me. Currently having an issue where I can see all foliage perfect in the viewport but when I render I lose at least half of what I have placed

Try turning off use HLOD AND USE LOD0 , in game overrides.Worked for me once.

Also happens sometimes when i use remote render instead of local.

Hi, I’ve tried that but still no luck. If I turn off HLOD then all foliage WILL render however it all seems to be stuck at like LOD 4 (geometry has now turned into cards).
As seen in the attached all my foliage is visible in the viewport but when I hit render most of it disappears.

To keep the foilage and objects at lod 0 , during render
type in foliage.ForceLOD 0
In the console variable during render.
Hope this helps

Same here! i`v been struggling for a few days already going insane.
I unticked Disable HLODS and Use LODZero in Game Override settings and now its fixed, everything shows up like in the viewport!

Can someone explain why ?


Try using High resolution with 4 tiles, and make sure in BaseScalability.ini r.streamingpoolsize for CINE Preset is as much MB as your VRAM (rtx 4070ti should be 12000). Then save the .ini file and reopen unreal and press render!

Fixed this issue on my part by using this console command in the movie render queue : foliage.MaxTrianglesToRender 500000000


Screenshot source : Fixing foliage popping problem in sequencer ( Movie render queue ) Unreal Engine 4 - YouTube

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Bless ya! saved me, possibly along with Game override settings. UE5.2

So I’ve just shown up to this problem now months later, and I’m losing my mind. None of these solutions have worked for me. I have tried every single combination of…

  1. In the movie render queue, adding both console variables of r.forceLOD 0 and foliage.ForceLOD 0.

  2. Doing number one in the viewport console aswell.

  3. In game overrides, setting “Use LODZero” and “Disable HLODs”, to both off, both on, one off and one on, and vice versa.

  4. Setting the console variable in the movie render queue “foliage.MaxTrianglesToRender” to a value of anywhere between its engine preset value {100,000,000} and multiplying it by 10 for a value of {1,000,000,000}

  5. Gone into the BaseScalability.ini file and upped the r.streaming.poolsize to the maximum amount of my card (rtx 2080 Super).

I feel like I’ve totally exhausted my options here. Anyone got any suggestions?

Turning off LOD0 fixed it… but why…

if u use the grass in the layer
use the Layer Brush!!! (click it again)
UE5 engine sometimes glitches and not update certain parts.