Foliage flickering

Hey all, I am having this insanely annoying issue where all of my foliage has a flickering to it. I am on 5.5.4 and last time i did any foliage was years ago and i have never seen this happen. I have a fresh install of unreal and all of drivers are up to date. The second i place any tree in my world (whether megascan trees or from packs I’ve purchased from fab. Every single tree has flickering. Yes I have tested every single anti-aliasing there is, including MSAA with forward shading. I’ve adjusted mipmaps, reflections, disabled/enabled nanite for the trees. Tried lumen/no lumen and ray tracing/no ray tracing (including ray traced shadows). I have messed around with the leaf materials to see if i can get the flickering to stop by changing specular and roughness and its shading model. Yet nothing…I even installed unreal on my friends pc who has never had it before and when i booted up a third person template project and added some megascan trees. The exact same issue, a whole bunch of flickering.

I would upload a video of it but it says i am not allowed so…

Hi there @Kraener

I haven’t saw this reported as a bug. But, I’m going to keep an eye out to see if that could be the case. Does the issue happen if you build it on an older UE version or only on 5.5.4?