I am trying to make an open-world game where the player can fly a manned drone and climb on hills. That means that in quite a lot of occasions, the player can see as far the eye can see, which is not much anyway because I have just an island, no GTA-Style huge city here. Just ground and trees. I get the usual texture pool warning after I add all the trees and culling does not help because I can clearly see the trees spawn when I’m flying. What are we supposed to do for an open-world, dynamic lighting game? We have to have lots of foliage and lots of buildings, and LODs don’t help with this either. Any suggestion from someone making such a game?
Consider adding some fog to hide the cull distance. Here is a world with very low fog and a small, but dense, selection of foliage (trees, ferns and grasses).
What is the texture streaming pool size you are getting? Consider making the images smaller, or making mipmaps to help reduce the size of the pool. With the pictures i took i was getting a texture streaming pool over my 10 MiB budget, i still need to optimize, as i made most of these assets a long time ago, when I didn’t know better.
Here is another question from 2016 discussing a similar issue. I would pay respects to Jak Carver’s response
Here is also documentation on Texture Streaming
I am not sure what the recommended size for Texture Streaming Pool for the average PC is out there, perhaps a more knowledgeable chap could comment bellow.