The texture has no emission option and its straight from Quixel
Hi roxywolflove,
That’s common with the MS foliage - it’s often the last LOD - you could try removing it…
How do I remove the LOD?
Probably the easiest (If you’re using UE5) is to turn Nanite on, find the StaticMeshes in the Megascans folder, select them all, right-click and turn on nanite:
Otherwise, you’ll have to go into each one, edit in the StaticMesh Editor, in the details panel you’ll find a “LOD Picker”, choose the last one:
And then click the “Remove LOD” button.
I’ve also got a tool on the marketplace (rdLODtools) where you can do things like remove LODs for all selected meshes - plus create new LODs with plenty of options to change the colors.
For Grass though, using Nanite is a good solution, or for non-nanite, just removing Megascans last LOD (which is a billboard anyway) and use good Culling settings instead.