Hey everyone, I’m encountering an issue in 4.26 and 4.27 where skeletal meshes have light / shadow flickering when they move. Below you can see a test setup I made to demonstrate it. It’s just an elongated box mesh attached to the camera in UE4’s first person template. (I added 2 extra copies of the box for demonstration purposes, but that’s not required to encounter the issue)
It’s most obvious when in shaded areas, where the shadowing flickers in and out. But it can also be seen out in direct lighting, where the issue is reversed - shadows start appearing where they shouldn’t be.
So far I’ve only seen this with baked Stationary lights. This doesn’t happen with Movable lights.
From what I can tell, the issue seems to be related to the physics asset (and/or the resulting bounding box). I can make the issue worse by shrinking the physics asset so that it is smaller than the actual mesh, and I can improve the issue by making the physics asset larger.
Below you can see my phys asset setup. The first picture is what results in the issue shown above. The second picture is how big the phys asset has to be in order to prevent the artifacts from happening.
The phys asset has to be pretty oversized to prevent the flickering, which as far as I know isn’t ideal for a number of reasons (like inaccurate physics, lower shadow resolution, and less accurate culling).
Has anyone else encountered this? Anyone know a fix? Any help would be greatly appreciated!