Hello, I’m trying to capture a completely flat surface (Like a basketball floor). Is it possible to tell Reality Capture that a surface is flat? Alignment seems okay to my eyes but when I created a mesh, it’s too bumpy. I import a flat plane for texturing, however texture is also messed up and blurry (Especially on the bumpy areas). I’ve read featureless surfaces may cause this but is it the alignment itself faulty here?
How can I tackle this issue in general?
I tried adding GCPs to floor and set their Z = 0 but I don’t know what to set for X and Y.
Any help is appreciated.
Hi filibis,
is that surface shiny or featureless?
It is not possible just say that the surface is flat to RealityCapture. The mesh is created according to used images.
How are the images taken? What it the overlap and pointing to the surface? How many images have you used?
You can use GCPs as you did and if you don’t care about scale, you can use the coordinates from CP’s actual position with zeros set as GCP’s height.
Hi @OndrejTrhan , surface is not shiny but gradient parts of it are featureless. It has a slight gradient beneath, some logos and lines on top. Something like this (sorry for potato drawing , can’t share the actual photos)
Images are taken with a DSLR camera around 2 meter height looking below at an angle in a circular path. (~50 photos) Overlap is good, %60 of the image can be seen in consecutive photos. Something like below setup.
Do you mean set it like this and then align again?
Featureless is not good for photogrammetry, so that could be an issue.
Do you need to model a whole surface? If so, just circular path is not enough. You should cover whole surface like this:
And I would take around 75 - 80 % overlap between images.
Regarding to GCPs, yes like that. Also you can set local coordinate system as used one.
Tried GCPs, it effected slightly improved mesh but still not clean enough. For this project we can’t take more photos, so I guess i’ll have to explore other ways of doing this.
Thank you for the help.
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