This picture pretty much sums up the whole issue, i imported some levels from the version my friend is working on, all worked fine, then i had to rename them, and probably porked something up because it didn’t work, no problem. anyway, i wanted to delete the new maps and start again but after deleting them i’m left with this annoying ghost of map Story_123 that i can’t shift.
just remove it in the levels panel?
the remove function is greyed out for it
press the “delete” key?
Yeh, it doesn’t work friend, it’s like i can’t delete it untill i fix its reference issue, and i have no idea what’s going on there. thanks for taking the time to at least comment though, i do appreciate it.
can you provide steps to reproduce the issue?
migrated in levels that a friend built, all worked fine. but the names were a little muddled so i had to change them around a bit, (next level system reads and loads via level name) so for example, i renamed Story_2 to Story_123 so that i could make another level Story_2. this is where things started to break, and to remedy it i decided to just delete all of the new levels so that i could rename in their build and then migrate them in. i tried to delete it and it prompted ofc, “do you wish to force delete” as it had references, (only half paying attention i clicked yes), and now we are left with a ghost file trying to be referenced. I later opened up the content folder and tried to manually delete it as there was still a map file called Story_123, but that did not fix it either.
and here we are.
How did you fix this, if you managed to in the end?