There appears to be a HUGE problem with the First Person Template, and maybe others. If you try to “Build Lighting”, it will cause a run-away memory hole that will grind the computer to a halt. On my computer, it hit 100% memory usage before it even got to 19% completion. I’ve torn down the little room it comes in and added a landscape, and that seems to fix the issue. I’m going to mess with the environment and see if I can figure out exactly what’s causing this issue. So far I can tell it’s not the Skylight.
Looks like it’s the lightmap resolution of the walls and floor, which are HUGE! They are 1024 to 2048, which is several times the size of the usual 64 to 128 most object use. This causes them to spiral rapidly out of control and kill the system the second you try to build lights on them.
Hey MaxSMoke,
Thank you for taking the time to investigate and report the issue. Would you mind telling me which version of the engine you are reporting this issue so I can reproduce the test on my end?
4.7.4. It won’t matter what version though, as it’s lightmap is HUGE. I don’t know how anyone could have released it to the public and not noticed that building lights killed their computer.
Hello ,
After a bit of investigation I discovered this is a known and reported issue. We recently converted the Template Maps to use Instanced Static Meshes whos lightmap resolutions were far to low. As a temporary workaround we used the override lightmap resolution option within the ‘Details’ panel. We are currently reworking the static meshes to use the correct base lightmap resolution and it scheduled to be fixed in engine version 4.8 which is upcoming.
As a temporary workaround you can doubleclick on the ‘CubeMesh’ being used as an instance throughout the FPS Template map which will open up the static mesh editor. Then go down to the ‘Static Mesh Settings’ and enter a resolution you feel is appropriate. I will let you know that setting the resolution below 512 will result in a loss of quality and produce lighting errors. Walls and Floors usually need a larger resolution since they are larger by nature and receive numerous shadows from different sized objects. I tested and the lowest lightmap resolution you can use without causing errors is 256. Be sure to uncheck the ‘Override Lightmap Resolution’ option for the meshes in your viewport.
128 Resolution
256 Resolution
512 Resolution
1024 Resolution
Thank you for your patience while we address this issue and if you have any other questions please let us know.