I am using a simulator called Carla developed using unreal engine. I need to find the number of rays in a given point of a 3d world. I should do this in c++ source code of Unreal Engine. When it comes to raycasting/linetracing, I can find lot of c++ helper functions like LineTraceSingleByChannel()… I search some similar c++ helper functions for raytracing to find the number of rays in a given 3d point or a pixel. I don’t know where to start with, some tutorial with c++ raytracing could also be helpful.
Hi! What do you mean when you speak about the number of rays in a given point of a 3d world? Say, we have point (5,5,5), what rays do you want to count?
Lets consider the point (5,5,5) is indoor environment with two light sources and lets consider I have a view point at (0,0,0). I need to find the arbitrary number of rays falling on the point (5,5,5).
The question is very unclear. As posed, the answer is infinity.
Ok, how do you want to use it further? I mean, maybe it is not the thing that you need, because light raytracing is a technique to render scene, LineTraceSingleByChannel is another thing at all - it just ray cast and test the results…