When it comes to making large open worlds, sometimes dynamic lighting is too expensive or just doesn’t cut it for interiors of buildings. It would be really nice to see some sort of volume bounds that static lighting can only be built in, and will ignore everything outside of it. This would allow the interiors of buildings to have static light built, but it would ignore both the terrain and non-essential sections of a level.
Hi Shirk,
Thank you for taking the time to submit a feature request, but due to UE4 using Deferred Rendering this is not possible.
If you wanted to set something like this up you would want to use separate Levels that are loaded in. Each of these levels can have light baked independently. You would not want to have any lighting in the persistent level as this will be baked down to any other levels. Even still, lighting, if bright enough, from hidden levels can carry over into other levels so it’s important to have good lightmap UVs setup, meshes that provide enough thickness for their walls, and that there are no gaps in geometry to allow lighting to pass through.
Thank you!