[Feature request] Ability to change Sensitivity for Actor transforms

In short: The ability to change the sensitivity for actions like Translating, Rotating, Scaling, and editing Slider values that require dragging the mouse.

A similar feature exists in Blender found here:
In this feature, the user can hold SHIFT while performing a dragging action to run at only 0.1 speed. It makes executing minute or precise changes very fluent and simple without the need for zooming or manually typing values.

The feature would be a shortcut to be pressed during a dragging action.
This would alter the dragging sensitivity with a custom multiplier defined by the developer.
If the developer set the multiplier to ‘2’, this would double the dragging speed of these values.
If the developer set the multiplier to ‘0.01’, this would make the change happen 100 times more precisely.
This sensitivity multiplier could be defined in User Preferences.
This way the user can make very small rotations, movements or scalings to actors on the fly and go right back to editing normally.

Occasionally moving objects with impractical scales to precise locations can be very frustrating and difficult.
The object will teleport between locations even if the grid size is set to extremely low values or turned off in its entirety and setting the objects transforms directly only works in World space.
Whilst it is possible to set grid snap sizes, even when these are very precise, moving the mouse even slightly will overshoot the desired values.

If this feature already exists, or there are other ways to improve the precision of moving actors (slowly), please let me known as I have not been able to find these. Obviously, editing the mouse Sensitivity makes a difference but is not practical for anything else done in the editor.

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