Failed to generate code for MyGameEditor - error code: CrashOrAssert (3)

You can mark this as solved.

Error message is not helpful when you make mistake in Interface header.

LogWindows : error : Windows GetLastError: The operation completed successfully. (0)

Error : Failed to generate code for MyGameEditor - error code: CrashOrAssert (3)

#pragma once    
#include "Interface.h"
#include "MyInterface.generated.h"

UINTERFACE(Blueprintable, MinimalAPI, meta = (CannotImplementInterfaceInBlueprint))
class UMyInterface : public UInterface

class UMyInterface // this should be IMyInterface


Hey Mtrx-

The first line of your question says to mark as solved, could you explain what you did to fix the issue? This will help others who run into the same problem and are searching for information on how to fix it themselves. You can post as the answer and accept it yourself.


The solution is in the code sample “// this should be IMyInterface”

When the header doesnt contain declaration of UMyInterface and IMyInterface with GENERATED_UINTERFACE_BODY() and GENERATED_IINTERFACE_BODY() bodies respectively, the UHT crashes, but doesnt output informative error message.