I’m trying to make an .exe but I get these errors, twice.
LoadErrors:Error: Error /Game/Maps/LevelKyle : Failed import for BillboardComponent /Game/blueprints/BP_BlinkingLight.Default__BP_BlinkingLight_C:Billboard
LoadErrors:Error: Error /Game/Maps/LevelKyle : Failed import for ParticleSystemComponent /Game/blueprints/IA_SwingDoor.Default__IA_SwingDoor_C:DeleteItemPSC
Ok it failed to import why, it working in the editor. This is the code for the first one what is wrong with it? I added this just so I could see them in the editor while I’m working. In constructor
EditorIcon = CreateDefaultSubobject(TEXT(“Billboard”));
static ConstructorHelpers::FObjectFinder PowerTexture(TEXT(“Texture2D’/Game/Textures/PowerLight.PowerLight’”));
EditorIcon->Sprite = PowerTexture.Object;
EditorIcon->ScreenSize = 0.001f;
I use this code elsewhere it seems to by fine except here. At least it told me what the error were this time, other time it just said failed. I attached the whole outlog if someone need to see more.