Fail to compile on make new project C++

I installed VS 2012 Express, I updated it to 2, then installed Rocket. I installed them on a different drive than default. When trying to make a new project with C++ the compiler crashed.

I thought maybe the problem was either the update on VS or the location. So I uninstalled VS Express and Rocket, restarted.

Installed VS 2012 in the default location, did not update to 2. Installed Rocket to default location on C drive. I get the same error on trying to make a new project with C++.

As a note. I have several versions of VS installed on my computer including 2008 and 2010 Professional. I do have the Direct X SDK June 2010 as well. It can make the other 2 project types, without the C++.

Opening the Shooter project worked, I could run around. When I tried to do the step to build the source it didn’t seem to do anything.

Here is the error log:

Info Generating code for RocketTest
Info Unhandled Exception: UnrealBuildTool.BuildException: ERROR: Failed to start local process for action: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\Tools../…/VC/bin/amd64/cl.exe /nologo /Oi /Zp8 /Gy /fp:fast /c /Zm800 /bigobj /wd4819 /wd4651 /wd4005 /Ox /Ot /Ob2 /errorReport:prompt /EHsc /Z7 /MD /I “C:\Program Files\Rocket\Engine\Source” /I “E:/Development/RocketTest/Source/” /I “E:/Development/RocketTest/Source/RocketTest/Classes/” /I “E:/Development/RocketTest/Intermediate/BuildData/Include\RocketTest” /I “E:/Development/RocketTest/Source/RocketTest/Public/” /I “Runtime/Core/Public” /I “Runtime/Core/Public/Async” /I “Runtime/Core/Public/Concurrency” /I “Runtime/Core/Public/Containers” /I “Runtime/Core/Public/GenericPlatform” /I “Runtime/Core/Public/HAL” /I “Runtime/Core/Public/Math” /I “Runtime/Core/Public/Misc” /I “Runtime/Core/Public/Modules” /I “Runtime/Core/Public/Modules/Boilerplate\NoRedist” /I “Runtime/Core/Public/ProfilingDebugging” /I “Runtime/Core/Public/Serialization” /I “Runtime/Core/Public/Serialization/Json” /I “Runtime/Core/Public/Stats” /I “Runtime/Core/Public/Templates” /I “Runtime/Core/Public/UObject” /I “Runtime/Core/Public/Windows” /I “Runtime/CoreUObject/Classes/” /I “…/…/Engine/Intermediate/BuildData/Include\CoreUObject” /I “Runtime/CoreUObject/Public/” /I “Runtime/CoreUObject/Public/Misc” /I “Runtime/CoreUObject/Public/Serialization” /I “Runtime/CoreUObject/Public/UObject” /I “Runtime/Engine/Classes/” /I “…/…/Engine/Intermediate/BuildData/Include\Engine” /I “Runtime/Engine/Public/” /I “Runtime/Engine/Public/AI” /I “Runtime/Engine/Public/Landscape” /I “Runtime/Engine/Public/Net” /I “Runtime/Engine/Public/Slate” /I “Runtime/InputCore/Classes/” /I “…/…/Engine/Intermediate/BuildData/Include\InputCore” /I “Runtime/InputCore/Public/” /I “Runtime/Messaging/Public/” /I “Runtime/Messaging/Public/Common” /I “Runtime/Messaging/Public/Interfaces” /I “Runtime/Networking/Public/” /I “Runtime/Networking/Public/Common” /I “Runtime/Networking/Public/Interfaces” /I “Runtime/Networking/Public/Interfaces/IPv4” /I “Runtime/Networking/Public/Interfaces/Steam” /I “Runtime/Sockets/Public/” /I “Runtime/RenderCore/Public/” /I “Runtime/RHI/Public/” /I “Runtime/ShaderCore/Public/” /I “Runtime/AssetRegistry/Public/” /I “Runtime/EngineMessages/Classes/” /I “…/…/Engine/Intermediate/BuildData/Include\EngineMessages” /I “Runtime/EngineMessages/Public/” /I “Runtime/AutomationWorker/Public/” /I “Runtime/AutomationWorker/Public/Interfaces” /I “Programs/UnrealLightmass/Public” /I “Editor/UnrealEd/Classes/” /I “…/…/Engine/Intermediate/BuildData/Include\UnrealEd” /I “Editor/UnrealEd/Public/” /I “Editor/UnrealEd/Public/Commandlets” /I “Editor/UnrealEd/Public/Dialogs” /I “Editor/UnrealEd/Public/DragAndDrop” /I “Editor/UnrealEd/Public/Kismet2” /I “Editor/UnrealEd/Public/Layers” /I “Editor/UnrealEd/Public/Toolkits” /I “Runtime/Slate/Classes/” /I “…/…/Engine/Intermediate/BuildData/Include\Slate” /I “Runtime/Slate/Public/” /I “Runtime/Slate/Public/Docking” /I “Runtime/Slate/Public/DockingFramework” /I “Runtime/Slate/Public/MultiBox” /I “Runtime/Slate/Public/TableView” /I “Runtime/Slate/Public/Testing” /I “Runtime/SandboxFile/Public/” /I “Editor/BlueprintGraph/Classes/” /I “…/…/Engine/Intermediate/BuildData/Include\BlueprintGraph” /I “Editor/BlueprintGraph/Public/” /I “Developer/MessageLog/Public” /I “Editor/Stats/Public/” /I “Developer/MessageLog/Public/” /I “Editor/AnimGraph/Classes/” /I “…/…/Engine/Intermediate/BuildData/Include\AnimGraph” /I “Editor/AnimGraph/Public/” /I “Editor/UnrealEdMessages/Classes/” /I “…/…/Engine/Intermediate/BuildData/Include\UnrealEdMessages” /I “Editor/UnrealEdMessages/Public/” /I “Runtime/Windows/XAudio2/Public/” /I “Runtime/Renderer/Public/” /D “UE_EDITOR=1” /D “IS_PROGRAM=0” /D “UNICODE” /D “_UNICODE” /D “UNREAL” /D “IS_MONOLITHIC=0” /D “WITH_ENGINE=1” /D “WITH_UNREAL_DEVELOPER_TOOLS=1” /D “UE_BUILD_MINIMAL=0” /D “WITH_EDITOR=1” /D “WITH_SERVER_CODE=1” /D “WIN32=1” /D “_WIN32_WINNT=0x0502” /D “WINVER=0x0502” /D “PLATFORM_WINDOWS=1” /D “DEDICATED_SERVER=0” /D “NDEBUG=1” /D “UE_BUILD_DEVELOPMENT=1” /D “ROCKETTEST_API=DLLEXPORT” /D “CORE_API=DLLIMPORT” /D “COREUOBJECT_API=DLLIMPORT” /D “WITH_PHYSX=1” /D “WITH_APEX=1” /D “USE_NETWORK_PROFILER=1” /D “WITH_RECAST=1” /D “ENGINE_API=DLLIMPORT” /D “INPUTCORE_API=DLLIMPORT” /D “MESSAGING_API=DLLIMPORT” /D “NETWORKING_API=DLLIMPORT” /D “SOCKETS_PACKAGE=1” /D “SOCKETS_API=DLLIMPORT” /D “RENDERCORE_API=DLLIMPORT” /D “RHI_API=DLLIMPORT” /D “SHADERCORE_API=DLLIMPORT” /D “ASSETREGISTRY_API=DLLIMPORT” /D “ENGINEMESSAGES_API=DLLIMPORT” /D “AUTOMATIONWORKER_API=DLLIMPORT” /D “WITH_PHYSX=1” /D “WITH_APEX=1” /D “WITH_SIMPLYGON=0” /D “WITH_RECAST=1” /D “UNREALED_API=DLLIMPORT” /D “SLATE_API=DLLIMPORT” /D “SANDBOXFILE_API=DLLIMPORT” /D “BLUEPRINTGRAPH_API=DLLIMPORT” /D “STATS_API=DLLIMPORT” /D “MESSAGELOG_API=DLLIMPORT” /D “ANIMGRAPH_API=DLLIMPORT” /D “UNREALEDMESSAGES_API=DLLIMPORT” /D “XAUDIO2_API=DLLIMPORT” /D “RENDERER_API=” “E:\Development\RocketTest\Intermediate\BuildData\RocketTest\Win64\Development\RocketTest\Module.RocketTest.cpp” /Fo"E:\Development\RocketTest\Intermediate\BuildData\RocketTest\Win64\Development\RocketTest\Module.RocketTest.cpp.obj" /TP /GR- /WX /W4
Info System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (0x80004005): The system cannot find the file specified
Info at System.Diagnostics.Process.StartWithCreateProcess(ProcessStartInfo startInfo)
Info at UnrealBuildTool.ActionThread.ThreadFunc()
Info at UnrealBuildTool.ActionThread.ThreadFunc()
Info at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
Info at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
Info at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
Info at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart()

I installed on a different computer that had VS 2008, 2010 Pro, 2012 Beta, and 2012 Express and it worked fine, but that isn’t what I’ll be developing on. Also, by default 2010 opened the VA project created, the instructions seem to say at first you need 2012, but then I see references to VC 10 which is 2010 not 12 etc.

It looked impossible to uninstall Visual Studio and all it’s components, so I backed up my files to another drive. Put the Win 7 disc in and deleted my partitions starting a clean install. I only loaded drivers, chrome, VS 2012 Express, Direct X June 2012 SDK and ROkect. It worked and built the new project right away.

I don’t know what the actual error was, but installing to a clean environment fixed it for me.

Backup files, Reinstall Windows7 deleting the partition. Install Drivers, VS 2012 Express, Direct X SDK June 2010, and then Rocket.

After re-installing my complete system I also had trouble compiling the project on a fresh system. Tried a few suggestions I found in the AnswerHub - none worked.

Then I installed the engine with the regular installer, then I could compile the engine. After that you can un-install it and work with the engine build from source.