Faces not facing the sun turn completely dark

Hi guys, i’ve recently imported an fbx classroom into ue4 for a school project but i have a big issue with lightings.

As you can see here, the inside is alright :

But the outside looks terrible, the sides that are not facing the sun are completely black :

Is there any ways to fix that ? I’m using two sided materials and I’ve already tried to change the lightmap of the room but the unreal’s default one seems to be the best.
The modelisation was also done by another person so the wall are basically just flat with close to zero thickness and a single face.


Usually when a mesh/face turns black it’s a lightmap uv problem: it doesn’t get any lighting information… Could you show us your second uv channel of this mesh?
Could be also because of the lack of GI…
Are you using static/stationary lights/skylight and your building also set to static?

I do see skylight on the screenshots…

ayyyyyy you’re right.

My bad. Probably a UV issue like you said. Though I’d imagine the backfaces should get proper UV maps generated automatically when two sided materials are used, right?