Experienced Level-Designer offering services

view from the red bed(room) to it’s bathroom:

Designing modular interior elements that can be used to dynamically create interiors at level-start or runtime (e.g. via construction script):

Concept for wall-modules to create different flexible interior spaces.
More details here (click to enlarge then scroll down).

Environemnt work for a driving simulator:

Sitting corner with great view outside for any weather:

What I am looking for is Google imagery in landscape. A person who can be controlled to walk/run the streets and the location of the streets where the avatar runs is stored into a file that can be exported out. Also gray out the locations on landscape so we know where the person/avatar walked. Please let me know if you can do this/. it can be a city like Munich and a small area 5km x 5km. How long and how much and if this can be played on web/xBox etc.

Using a greyscale map for heights to create the tiles using Grasshopper in Rhino. After bringing it to Unreal, you can walk the blue marble:

Here i made modular organic 3d models and brought them in Unreal. The whole thread is here.

Tests for a adventure game project:

Project floating homes, modular approach:

  1. Base module, here semi-transparent to show the embedded infra-supply routes:

  2. Modules and surface variants

  3. Example of a module combination

“Low cost” (poly and performance wise) modern buildings:

working on a gas-waterfall on an alien planet:

For a modern/futuristic desert location I created architecutre model to fit the theme of wavy dunes or desert-tents in the wind.

Designing models for modular modern kitchen assets:

hey i have a Asemetrical survival horror game if your intrested? and your models look Amazing. be free to contact me at zeitawolf1

Workflow: Architecture of the house, model in Archicad…creating a organic roof in Rhinoceros 3d …and bringing it all into Unreal:

Re-using the roof-mesh vertically to create whole buildings out of it:

Modifying Paragon assets and combining them with own designs for a futuristic project:

Made a sidewalk-transport platform for a Sci-Fi project I’m working on in blueprints. Video here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1XX…ARyQ208_OMZVMF


The Lab and hangar area. Self-made game-mechanics (interactions, using text-console, controlling robot, using flying vehicle) shown in this video: