Exclude objects from post processing

Is it possible to exclude an object/skeletal mesh from post processing such as Depth of Field?
So far I’ve googled for few hours now and have found nothing , could somebody help please?
Any tutorials or screenshots of how to do it , please post it here , I appreciate it very much.

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Hello Kelvin,

This is currently not a feature of Post Processing Volumes. Post processing effects work on your player camera, and not on specific meshes.

It is possible if you use the custom depth stencil. In blueprints, every actor has a custom depth stencil value which determines what post process effects are used on it. If you have a post process volume, set it to have two materials, have one of those materials just be empty, and then set the value of each material to say 0 and 1, then if you say have the empty set to 0, then any actor that has the custom depth stencil to 0 will have that particular post process material applied rather than the others. Of course, the numbers can be whatever you want that the engine supports, I’m just using this as an example. I haven’t tested this personally and can’t because my computer hasn’t arrived yet (I’m writing this on a very weak laptop). However, it is something you can try out and see for yourself.

You must check: Render CustomDepth Paas (in detail of SM; you must show advanced of Rendering detail) … and this options exclude it from PostProcessVolume

like in screenshot.

Have a nice day

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This worked great! Thanks for the tip :3


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This really helped me, thanks!!

Can you please show how are the material set up? I can’t seem to get it to work

yeah this was a fantastic tip after stumping lots of pros

I also experienced what you mention and the solution I found is to connect the Color / Texture to the Base Color and also to the Emissive Color, after that it work like a charm

I have done each of these steps without success. Any tips or ideas? I am using UE5.1, with nanite and lumen enabled.

I’m still a noob with the same problem but what worked for me was to set the Intensity under Ambient Cubemap and Ambient Occlusion to a lower value on both.

Hey @PotatoKW!

Did any of these help with your issue? Seems like there are a few options! Be sure to mark one as the solution if it worked for you!

For anyone who wants a great tutorial explaining the process, follow below:


I don’t understand how this works with depth of field, so far I’ve only been able to create a depth pass where saturation can be separated, but depth of field isn’t an option. Am I missing something?

Same, I have no idea what you’ve done here

This worked great for me. Used it to exclude snow particles from my outline effect :slight_smile:

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It only worked for DOF… I think it is a bug, not a feature

Thanks for the help :slight_smile: