I have been able to build lighting before, I need 10,464 objects rebuilt, here is the log:
9:11:17 AM: [Interface:TryOpenConnection] Local connection established
9:11:17 AM: [Job] Accepted Job 00DFEC28-4BE622FF-F49C1FA8-C8D73387
9:11:39 AM: [Job] Launched Job UnrealLightmass_2018-09-22_17-04-07_1309584-64bit.exe
9:11:39 AM: [Job] PID is 3812
9:11:39 AM: [Job] GUID is “00DFEC28-4BE622FF-F49C1FA8-C8D73387”
9:11:40 AM: LogLightmass: Display: Lightmass Win64 started on: GAMEDEVCOMPUTER. Command-line: 00DFEC284BE622FFF49C1FA8C8D73387
9:11:40 AM: Failed to determine engine directory: Defaulting to …/…/…/Engine/
9:11:40 AM: Failed to load ‘aqProf.dll’ (GetLastError=126)
9:11:40 AM: File ‘aqProf.dll’ does not exist
9:11:40 AM: Failed to load ‘VSPerf140.dll’ (GetLastError=126)
9:11:40 AM: File ‘VSPerf140.dll’ does not exist
9:11:40 AM: Failed to load ‘VtuneApi.dll’ (GetLastError=126)
9:11:40 AM: File ‘VtuneApi.dll’ does not exist
9:11:40 AM: Failed to load ‘VtuneApi32e.dll’ (GetLastError=126)
9:11:40 AM: File ‘VtuneApi32e.dll’ does not exist
9:11:40 AM: Lightmass Win64 started on: GAMEDEVCOMPUTER. Command-line: 00DFEC284BE622FFF49C1FA8C8D73387
9:11:40 AM: LogLightmass: Display: Processing scene GUID: 00DFEC284BE622FFF49C1FA8C8D73387 with 14 threads
9:11:40 AM: Processing scene GUID: 00DFEC284BE622FFF49C1FA8C8D73387 with 14 threads
9:11:40 AM: Building static lighting…
9:11:40 AM: [OpenConnection] Registering TCP channel …
9:11:40 AM: [OpenConnection] Connecting to agent …
9:11:41 AM: [TryOpenConnection] Testing the Agent
9:11:41 AM: [TryOpenConnection] Opening Connection to Agent
9:11:41 AM: [TryOpenConnection] Local Process ID is 3812
9:11:42 AM: [Job] Found a parent connection for PID 3812
9:11:42 AM: [Job] 61849810 → 584F96A0
9:11:42 AM: [Interface:TryOpenConnection] Local connection established
9:11:42 AM: Skylight import processing 0.005s with CubemapSize 128
9:11:48 AM: Measured CPU frequency: 2.99 GHz
9:11:48 AM: FStaticLightingSystem started using GKDOPMaxTrisPerLeaf: 4
9:11:48 AM: Number of texture mappings: 6466
9:11:48 AM: Number of fluid mappings: 0
9:11:48 AM: Number of landscape mappings: 105
9:11:48 AM: Number of BSP mappings: 0
9:11:48 AM: Number of static mesh instance mappings: 6466
9:11:51 AM: Scene surface area calculated at 52648584.000 million units (23.988% of the estimated 219482672.000 million units)
9:11:51 AM: Importance volume surface area calculated at 35817.336 million units (79.477% of the estimated 45066.230 million units)
9:11:51 AM: Clamped the number of indirect photon paths to 20000.
9:11:51 AM: Clamped the number of indirect photons to emit to 40.000 million, from 42.981 million requested.
9:11:51 AM: Embree Build 0.6s
9:11:51 AM:
9:11:51 AM:
9:11:51 AM: Collision Mesh Overview:
9:11:51 AM: Num Triangles : 4760739
9:11:51 AM: MeshInfos : 0.5Mb
9:11:51 AM: UVs : 45.9Mb
9:11:51 AM: LightmapUVs : 45.9Mb
9:11:51 AM: Embree Used Memory : 343.9Mb
9:11:51 AM:
9:11:51 AM:
9:11:51 AM: Processing…
9:11:53 AM: EmitDirectPhotons complete, 3.470 million photons emitted in 1.6 seconds
9:13:04 AM: LogMemory: Warning: MemoryStats:
9:13:04 AM: AvailablePhysical 2104258560
9:13:04 AM: AvailableVirtual 140724078559232
9:13:04 AM: UsedPhysical 7920644096
9:13:04 AM: PeakUsedPhysical 7921963008
9:13:04 AM: UsedVirtual 8374620160
9:13:04 AM: PeakUsedVirtual 8380260352
9:13:04 AM: MemoryStats:
9:13:04 AM: AvailablePhysical 2104258560
9:13:04 AM: AvailableVirtual 140724078559232
9:13:04 AM: UsedPhysical 7920644096
9:13:04 AM: PeakUsedPhysical 7921963008
9:13:04 AM: UsedVirtual 8374620160
9:13:04 AM: PeakUsedVirtual 8380260352
9:13:04 AM: Allocator Stats for TBB: (not implemented)
9:13:04 AM: Windows GetLastError: The operation completed successfully. (0)
9:13:04 AM: [MaintainConnections] Detected dropped local connection, cleaning up (584F96A0)
9:13:04 AM: [CloseConnection] Closing connection 584F96A0 using handle 584F96A0
9:13:04 AM: [CloseConnection] Connection confirmed for disconnection 584F96A0
9:13:04 AM: [CloseConnection] Connection disconnected 584F96A0
9:13:04 AM: [GetMessage] Safely returning to 584F96A0 with no message
9:13:05 AM: [Job] Job has failed! Job executable didn’t exit cleanly. Exit code: -1073741819
9:13:05 AM: [MaintainConnections] Local connection has closed (584F96A0)
9:13:05 AM: [MaintainConnections] Removed connection 584F96A0
9:13:05 AM: [CloseConnection] Closing connection 61849810 using handle 61849810
9:13:05 AM: [CloseConnection] Connection confirmed for disconnection 61849810
9:13:05 AM: [CloseConnection] Closing orphaned Job (00DFEC28-4BE622FF-F49C1FA8-C8D73387)
9:13:05 AM: [MaintainConnections] Connection 61849810 is DISCONNECTING
9:13:06 AM: [MaintainConnections] Connection 61849810 is DISCONNECTING
9:13:06 AM: [MaintainConnections] Connection 61849810 is DISCONNECTING
9:13:07 AM: [MaintainConnections] Connection 61849810 is DISCONNECTING
9:13:07 AM: [MaintainConnections] Connection 61849810 is DISCONNECTING
9:13:08 AM: [MaintainConnections] Connection 61849810 is DISCONNECTING
9:13:08 AM: [MaintainConnections] Connection 61849810 is DISCONNECTING
9:13:09 AM: [MaintainConnections] Connection 61849810 is DISCONNECTING
9:13:09 AM: [MaintainConnections] Connection 61849810 is DISCONNECTING
9:13:09 AM: [CloseConnection] Connection disconnected 61849810
9:13:09 AM: [GetMessage] Safely returning to 61849810 with no message
9:13:10 AM: [MaintainConnections] Local connection has closed (61849810)
9:13:10 AM: [MaintainConnections] Removed connection 61849810
9:13:10 AM: [MaintainConnections] All connections have closed