Error importing textures

I have been trying to insert some textures in png format, but none load, only “Preparing (number of textures)” appears and it doesn´t go beyond zero percent.


I was able to import one texture out of eleven but the other ten cannot be imported.

I don’t think it was an error in the textures, I think it´s a error in the program, since the texture that I was finally able to import didn’t go from zero to just barely, I tried to add the others, I uninstalled UEFN and downloaded it again but the error remains.

@T0PG4M3R Thank you for your report! Can you please re-post using the “New Issue” option on the Issues and Bug Reporting forums? Posts with this feature are connected directly into our development team so we can quickly get to them!

For more information, such as how to get the reference ID, please check out the article here: Using the Creative and UEFN Bug Reporting Form

@PurpleElephant55 Sorry, I´m new to this. How can i re-post this?

I was able to import one texture out of eleven but the other ten cannot be imported.

I don’t think it was an error in the textures, I think it´s a error in the program, since the texture that I was finally able to import didn’t go from zero to just barely, I tried to add the others, I uninstalled UEFN and downloaded it again but the error remains.