Hello. I have problem with compiling my C++ project. I’m wondering is it related with uninstalling old 4.0 .NET version (I have couple of newer versions). If so, how I can fix it? If not, what else is wrong with it?
something is clearly messed up, i would try by deinstalling all net frameworks you have in your installed programs and then install the latest one…
if this won’t fix it, i would deinstall and reinstall c++
would be interesting which version you are using
i had similar problems caused by an old forgotten c++ installation…
solution was to get out of the mess.
good luck and hopefully it helps
I’m stupid. I’ve changed “AItem.h” to “Item.h” and this was the entire problem. This was written in this line:
C:/Users/( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)/Documents/Unreal Projects/TheGame/Source/TheGame/Public/Item.h(55) : Expected an include at the top of the header: '#include "Item.generated.h"'
It had nothing to do with .NET framework. It was just a warning.
Of course it’s not, who names user like this? For my issue, it was small but it has taken me 4 hours of my life.
Is your account name really ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ?
I remember encountering several past issues for certain projects which had to do with unicode/special characters in the path name. Try changing or creating a new account without any special characters, then reinstall .NET and/or VS.
It doesn’t necessarily have to be a user name to be in the path. It could be any folder. And who knows? People do the damnedest things, sometimes. In any regard, I’m glad you managed to figure out the solution. Happy coding!