Equiptment slots in devices dont match


The maximum equipment slot setting in the island settings is different to the team settings. Its confusing. Please see images

Please select what you are reporting on:

Unreal Editor for Fortnite

What Type of Bug are you experiencing?


Steps to Reproduce

just check settings

Expected Result

should be the same as could be doing something under the hood

Observed Result

its different



Additional Notes

while going through things to try and work out the latest movement bug i noticed this so thought its worth a mention

Island settings → min = 0 max = 5

Team Settings device → min = 0 max = 4

Oooh, this needs some votes, someone made a little mistake

Teams Settings override Island Settings, which makes it a tiny bit worse than vice versa

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worth a fix either way as i think 5 would be default unticked but still it should match i think

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yes it definately should match, I wonder how the Class Designers are going ??? I’ll take a look when the editor opens

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they vanish for me, I did report it and did a vid in another post some strange things going on lately that movement one is a big one

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Yes the vanishing Class Designers is annoying…

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The release notes have something about Disable Harvesting slot, which you have checked in island settings… if this affected the slots your island settings should have 4 ???
If you uncheck this does it affect teams slot numbers ?

Well we know they’ve been fiddling with equipment slots, so it could be human error

yea tried a few things doesnt seem to change the value

team settings having a limit of 4 is not really new to this update. It’s been thing for a good 2-4 years now I just assumed it was intentionally done that way for FNC. Given that swapping teams doesn’t really change maximum slots, and you could just have default be 5 slots from islands settings and only ovveride it on the team settings pad when you wanted a team to have less than 5 slots

Update: I have made a Bug Post regarding the incosistent Equipment slots in team settings device if anyone wants to upvote Swapping Teams Ignores Option "Max Equipment Slots"

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