Epic MegaJam Results w/ Oct 27 - Live from Epic HQ

https://cdn2.unrealengine.com/HostForForums/2016/October Epic MegaJam/EpicMegaJamThemeImage01-770x250-336c0077536e96d88cc4d15e2e9099cd154ca022.png

The Epic MegaJam is over and the winners are ready to be declared! is joining us live from Epic HQ in the studio to help announce the winners, play the games and do the raffle drawings! We have so many great games to show off and so many amazing prizes to give away, so tune in :smiley:

Thursday, October 27th @ 2:00PM ET Countdown]


Hero of the People @MichaelAllar]()

  • Sr Community Manager - ]()

Feel free to ask any questions on the topic in the thread below, and remember, while we try to give attention to all inquiries, it’s not always possible to answer’s questions as they come up. This is especially true for off-topic requests, as it’s rather likely that we don’t have the appropriate person around to answer. Thanks for understanding!

So… who’s REALLY excited to see some of the great devs getting recognized? Show of hands, please. raises hand firmly into the air

I am hoping for a mention of our submission, Cowboy Smash! “…best use of physics…” said during his playthrough if I recall correctly.

I don’t expect any prizes, but being mentioned would be super cool.

Why is none of this on YouTube? I searched in many different ways trying to look at some of the clips from the demo reel on the Twitch videos. Can’t find any specific games or what they are called or anything!

Downloaded your demo. Solid but it keeps freezing on my computer. Also you should try different textures on different blocks

Will be these results posted somewhere?


Don’t know why it would be freezing. We’re not doing anything exotic with the engine.

We would definitely like to add some textures to the world. Don’t have a 2D artist yet…

recognized how ?
Besides we don’t even know how many games have been played by players not talking about Epic here.

Recognized = being awarded awards and/or talked about on the MegaJam results stream.

Where can i find a list of all winners ?
Just saw one for the allegorithmic and the grandprizes :slight_smile: But where are the raffle winners?

They always update the original forum post with winner information.

YouTube uploading usually takes a few days (for editing etc.), but given that Shelley is out and Qlint is in Japan, there might be some delay until they actually go up. For now, you’ll probably have to stick to the Twitch.tv archive; where the demo reel runs before the stream and the stream itself is obviously all about the Jam.

Thanks, - You are correct! We’re working to get it live ASAP :slight_smile: