Epic Launcher Needs Serious Attention!

The Epic Launcher needs serious attention…

The launcher is refreshing approx every 30 secs resetting the page/item back to the launcher start page… this is unacceptable and makes using the launcher to view and operate anything regarding the Unreal Engine, the marketplace, or indeed the store page through the launcher very very difficult and inappropriate altogether because if one is looking at a specific item or page of information then the Epic launcher is refreshing and setting the launcher back to the index/landing page every 30 seconds… that is unworkable… indeed unusable!!

I’ve been posting about this issue here for months now with no action taken, so please forgive my serious frustrations to put it mildly… does anyone from Epic ever read any of these feedback posts at all!!! :rage: :rage:

you are loosing your time, the epic launcher was, is and will most likely remain the most annoying piece of software ever made (for software that has hundred of millions of users)

There is so much wrong stuff with the epic launcher, one could write a thesis about and get a master degree in design.


I totally agree with you mate… and yet there appears to be no avenue to properly report a bug specifically for the Epic Launcher… it’s as if some egotistic idiot in Epic has created this garbage launcher software app and then is simply too arrogant to think anything can go wrong with it.

Or is it a case that this software app has been designed for Mobile phone use without “fully” testing it on a PC platform??

Whatever the reason, the person who is responsible for designing and coding this Epic launcher app should be seriously taken to task… it is simply so unreliable and almost unusable right now and has been for months. :tired_face: :tired_face:

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the reason is security and DRM, is a closed app that needs to do two things, first protect the user account against account theft and protect epic against users bypassing the game DRM.

because of these two reason the launcher needs to talk online with a bunch of servers that I’m assuming most of the time they will be under heavy load. Every time, check if user is genuine, do a bunch of drm checks, repeat.

user clicked on a button in the interface? time to check all his account and drms all over again!

result is unresponsive UI and no way it will change any time soon

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Surely there is no need to refresh the client page each time any security is checked on the server-side, and if security is that tight then only when a client requests a download or a request to alter the clients details, files, data or information on the server-side should a need for any security checks to be made and any information on the current page that has changed should be refreshed NOT the whole ■■■■ application so we end up at the start of the launcher index page every 30 seconds that the launcher refreshes right now? :rofl:

Quite frankly the standalone launcher on the PC has obviously been poorly designed and programmed from the start, it has never performed well at all compared to the features that are available via an internet browser, ie: Epic store and market place
If it was down to my decision I would totally scrap the current PC standalone launcher and totally have it redesigned, programmed & implemented, properly.

By all evidence it makes me wonder if anyone at Epic has ever checked to see how well the standalone PC launcher is working, or if indeed they have anyone assigned to maintaining the Standalone PC launcher at all?? Quite frankly, an Intern could do a better job! :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I’m beginning to think you are correct mate… I hope not but… :tired_face:

So frustrating and annoying when something SO SO obviously wrong and broken is apparently totally ignored and incompetently maintained, as the “Epic Launcher” is… SO ANNOYING and disappointing for such a great and inspiring company as Epic truly is!!!

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Hey Hawk_UK, would you mind sending me a video of this issue, or even better, a launcher log when you experience the refresh? It’s not something anyone internal has encountered, but they’d be happy to investigate and the extra info would help them track it down.

Here’s info on how to snag a log if you haven’t before: https://www.epicgames.com/help/en-US/epic-games-store-c5719341124379/launcher-support-c5719357217435/how-to-find-the-epic-games-launcher-debug-logs-a5720252667291



It always needed attention in the form of complete deletion of all source code and making it from scratch. I could make a much better store/launcher in two weeks than their full team of professionals

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Cough… Dunning-Keurig… Cough…

But no, the real reason is security and swamped servers. Oh and paranoid users that run a bunch of firewall/VPN stuff. There are plenty of times when the pages are pretty snappy, plenty of times when they aren’t. I’ve never seen this “30 second page load times” stuff though, at worst maybe five seconds.

I wasn’t talking about page load times… I was talking about the pages refreshing automatically, so that if you’d scrolled down a page to look at information it refreshes and starts the page back at the top again, and when this is happening every so many seconds then it makes it very difficult if not impossible to read or view information further down the scrolled page… this only happens when viewing directly in the standalone PC “Epic Launcher”, it’s SO annoying to say the least.

Hope that expresses the issue better for you mate. :wink:

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I’ll see what I can do… Shall I post it here or do you want me to DM you with attachments through here somewhere?

I opened up the launcher intending to create and send you the debug log for Epic’s attention, but as I was going through the standalone PC launcher features trying to recreate the issues I’ve stated in my posts above I was really pleasantly surprised that apparently all the issues I’d been experiencing over the last year with the Epic launcher have now apparently been fixed with the last launcher update a few week ago now… just that I’d become so accustomed to reverting to using the launcher through my internet browser instead of the standalone launcher as a way of working around the said issues, that I’d overlooked the fact that the standalone launcher is now working pleasantly well… could always do with being more responsive and faster though, right. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :laughing:

Thanks for finally sorting the Standalone PC Launchers issues out… it is now a pleasure to use again… well done!! :+1: :smiley:

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Glad to hear the issues that you’d experienced on the launcher are now fixed :slight_smile:

Thanks for reporting back!

I’m afraid the launcher issue is back again, Amanda…

This morning I opened up the launcher and selected the Epic Store… I was scrolling down a list of the games and suddenly the page refreshed and set me right back at the top of the page…
I tried it again several times to make sure this was really happening again, and each time it refreshed the page while I was scrolling through the Epic Store products and set me right back to the top of the page time after time…

Here are the “Debug Logs” you previously asked for this particular debug session while it was happening today… Please send them onto the Launcher dev team. Thank you.

The Standalone Epic PC Launcher Debug Logs:

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Oh no! I’ve sent your logs over to the team, so hopefully they can get to the bottom of this.

Thanks for helping us track this down.

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… and then the EPIC Queen Amanda rushes in where others dare to thread. Aboard her trusty colorful steed, she thwacks unnamed poster into electronics bits. Queen Amanda knows, “Once an Epic poster, always an EPIC poster and Queen Amanda is truly EPIC”
Never say never my friends.

Hi Amanda…

Any feedback yet from the devs after I sent you my Launcher logs to ID the auto refresh every 1 minute issue with the Epic Launcher?

I noticed there was a launcher update today but the auto refresh issue is still there… are they having problems nailing down the issue?

They need to know it’s a serious problem on the “Standalone PC Launcher” because it makes it almost unusable for looking at information further down the web-pages because it’s auto refreshing and sticking you right back at the top of the page every minute… it’s madness for something that should be so easy for them to sort out and yet obviously they didn’t in this update for whatever reason? Very frustrating to say the least.

I’ve been OOO at Unreal Fest and settling back in, but nothing to report at this point. I’ve sent a message to see if I can get more info for you.

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same thing is happening to me keeps refreshing and when I am in a game it backgrounds it and switches to the launcher I have my log but it won’t let me upload it

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Hi Amanda…

Did the devs give you any updates on this issue… it’s as bad as it ever has been… are they taking a long coffee break or what before they decide to fix this issue?? Hehe!! :laughing:

Surely the powers that be at Epic must realise that this issue will be affecting not only Epics reputation but badly affecting the reputation of the Epic Store as a place that people would want to come and spend their money buying games and apps… Do they seriously understand this? This should be a very serious issue for them, one of a high priority to fix. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: