This only seems to happen when using a VPN connection.
Browsing the store with filters it would refresh every 90 seconds or so and clear the filters.
I turned off the VPN and I could browse normally, no refreshing.
I turned the VPN back on, and it is refreshing again.
Please fix - we should not have to compromise our computer security to use the launcher.
Thank you.
Appears Amanda has decided to ignore our pleas now… can only presume she’s hand her fingers slapped for trying to help us here on the plebs forum?
I mean we are plebs aren’t we Epic? You are certainly treating us as such with the lack of official feedback & general help from here on this forum.
Epic launcher is terrible. Epic support, attention and communication, too.
I’m still having this issue in the standalone launcher. How to OP get it fixed, exactly? Because I apparently haven’t gotten that update.
Can confirm. Refresh with VPN, no refresh without VPN.
Thanx for that.
If we all go to Unity then the mediocrecy and incompetence will have to stop, but hey, who here cares? lets just keep eating the sht they give us, its easier that way
If Epic want their launcher and particularly their Store to compete with STEAM then they urgently need to get this page refresh issue sorted out… no one wants to browse and buy games while they are constantly harassed with silly store & launcher page refresh rates that constantly stop any friendly browsing of Epics store or launcher facilities whatsoever… yes this issue may only happen when a VPN is being used but we certainly should not have to compromise our safety simply to browse epics launcher & Store…Why would you not fix this when it badly affects your Store sales… right now STEAM is an absolute dream to use in comparison to the Epic Launcher & Store all because of this one silly page refresh issue Epic has… It’s simply CRAZY… GET IT FIXED FOR CHRIST SAKE!!!
Months & months later there is still no word from Epic on any fix for their “Epic Launcher”, “Epic Store” & “Epic Market Place”…
Many a time I’ve wanted to support Epic by buying my items from Epic Store or whichever, but Epic’s Store & market Place is SUCH a PAIN to use that I simply go back to using STEAM or some other market place to acquire my items… such a shame because I do wish to support Epic’s stores and market places but simply cannot because of all the issues that are present and have been for many months if not years now even though Epic have been informed about the refresh issue that is preventing good browsing ability in the launcher, store and marketplace…
Do Epic NOT want mine or anyone else’s business… PURE MADNESS!!!
I have the same-ish issue, just here to confirm you’re not the only one to have this, Hawk_UK. My game/store pages refresh after having been loaded in, but usually just once. Annoying though, because well, try to watch a vid of a game you’re interested in and it will kick you back tot the start every time… It is hella annoying indeed.
I am on a bit of a funny connection from a vessel at sea, though, and though I do not use a VPN currently, the internet traffic is heavily routed and firewalled through I don’t know what… This has been mentioned before and so maybe it is part of the issue, I can’t tell,
Hope it gets fixed soon!
I’ve been having this exact issue as well, but sadly everything I’ve been seeing had to do with a VPN. I don’t use one so I’m not sure what’s causing it lol. I even checked that the one on Opera was turned off, and it was.
Same issue for me, when I disconnect the VPN, problem is fixed. Hope this works for you too cause this is a real pain…
Hi guys… Sorry for the delay in replying, this is the first time I’ve logged in to the “Dev Community” for many months due to my disillusion with this feature of the Unreal online services.
However, I had another recent run-in with the devs of the launcher and it’s market place /store features talking to them about this painful site refresh issue that palgues us and found out that it was indeed a VPN issue. I use the NordVPN service, one of the very best if not the best VPN service in the world and yet Epic cannot resolve the issue their launcher has with VPN services, I think that is a disgrace, especially as The poeple I was talking to seemed to think it wasn’t their problem… that is a terrible attitude when they should be contacting the VPN services to find out what the issue could be and how it can be resolved.
I’ve basically given up any hope of Epic solving the issue with the Epic Launcher and don’t use it for anything other than accessing my epic dev library’s for direct Dev usage, I now only open The Epic Store or market places directly through my browser which appears to work fine even when using the VPN service, which to me simply shows that it is an issue that Epic should be able to resolve if they could be at all bothered to seriously look into the problem. I suspect epic have a third party dev company responsible for the epic launcher and they could not frankly give a d*mn whether the launcher works properly or not so long as epic continue to pay their salaries without proper quality control on the epic launcher at all… The company responsible for the Epic Launcher is very lazy indeed, I’d sack the lot of them and bring it into house so that Epic could make sure they keep control of the Launchers quality development cycles.
What Epic need to understand is that a large majority of people nowadays use a VPN when connected to the internet, and Epic must be losing a large portion of would-be customers who’ve tried using the launcher to not only access to Unreal Engine SDK & it’s features, but also to access Epics Market Place and the Epic Store, all of which when accessed through the Epic Launcher while using a VPN Service are causing the site to page refresh every 30-60 seconds which means the sites accessed are totally unusable to any potential customer… Personally I refuse to purchase from Epic at all until they address this issue and I’d encourage anyone else to do the same and announce the fact to epic.
I just cannot believe that the CEO of Epic actually realises this is happening, otherwise I’m sure he would be absolutely livid at the lazy casual approach of their staff to even begin to solving this issue with the Epic Launcher, I would be because Epic must be losing thousands if not hundreds of thousands of dollars in potential lost revenue due to people being totally put off using the epic launcher to get to the Epic Store and Market Places and instead prefer to use an online game store that actually works properly like STEAM.
Apparently the issue is caused when a client is using a VPN service. If this is disabled then the epic launcher works fine, but we shouldn’t have to compromise our internet security to use the standalone PC Epic launcher, should we… Epic seriously needs to fix this, they must be losing a lot of potential customers and bags of money through this ongoing issue that been happening for years now.
Hi Hawk_UK! I had the same refreshing problem recently, and I solved it by creating a rule in the VPN console to let it use direct connection on the suffix of “”. It literally works. The Epic games launcher now stays quiet without refreshing at all. I’m using Clash for Windows as my VPN console by the way.
I’m having this problem. I used to have Proton VPN installed, but now I don’t and it still happens. The Windows settings for VPNs also locks up (???)
I’m pretty sure this has costed Epic a lot of money, because the store and the UE marketplace are almost unusable due to this