I try to run session on dedicated server using EOS subsystem plugin.
Session is successfully created on dedicated server and it is seen on EOS dev portal in sessions list. Then I try to connect to this session from the client, it finds the session but can’t connect to it. I get the resolved connection string form the search result, it returns corresponding map, but when I try to travel to this map from the client the connection timeout error emerges
LogNet: Error: UEngine::BroadcastNetworkFailure: FailureType = ConnectionTimeout, ErrorString = UNetConnection::Tick: Connection TIMED OUT. Closing connection.. Elapsed: 20.00, Real: 20.00, Good: 20.00, DriverTime: 20.01, Threshold: 20.00, [UNetConnection] RemoteAddr: *.*.*.*:7777, Name: IpConnection_0, Driver: PendingNetDriver NetDriverEOS_0, IsServer: NO, PC: NULL, Owner: NULL, UniqueId: INVALID, Driver = PendingNetDriver NetDriverEOS_0
Session search result returns correct ip, but with different port for some reason.