Hey guys
I’m a very beginner of the UE4 using it the first time for a 2D side scroller that the university wants to have.
in the character blueprint class i used the command “r.Streaming.PoolSize XXX” to make correct texture streaming possible (before i got that “texture streaming size maximum over…”-warning that made the character-animations blurr). And yeah, there might be a very better place for placing the command, but i don’t have any idea how to make something just permanently working without a condition, so i put it to the character-animations because they take place permanently
in another step - to avoid the standard lightning effects - (yeah, i don’t know how to change them and really don’t have time to try it out) that spotlight the sprites in game too bright, i used “Settings” → “Engine Scalability Settings” and reduced all the qualities from epic to medium to switch out that effects and improve performance. now, in preview mode it looks perfect, but in the packaged game it will be ignored and things are still spotlighted. in the package output log i get the following warning that seems to cause the problem:
“LogConsoleManager:Warning: Setting the console variable ‘r.Streaming.PoolSize’ with ‘SetByScalability’ was ignored as it is lower priority than the previous 'SetByConsole”.
Can anyone help me to fix that? game-presentation is tomorrow and i’m quite desperated about that
Thank you very much!
Hello Shaddoll Beast,
The Warning message you are receiving is essentially telling you that the Texture Streaming console command you entered, is not going to be obeyed when you lower the Engine Scalability settings. This is because at the Medium setting for texture quality, you cannot have such a large texture streaming pool.
Unfortunately, this is probably going to come a little late as it sounds like your project is due today. I suggest trying to tackle issues like these a bit sooner than a day before it is due. With that said, the proper way to modify your projects engine scalability settings is to configure the DefaultScalability.ini file in your project’s directory.
For reference follow the link below to get a better understanding of how to set this up on your end.
Scalability Reference
Let me know if you have further questions or need additional assistance.
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Hi Andrew,
thank you for your support! It might came too late, but however our presentation has been very well. We were allowed just to play it via editor-test-window so the problem didn’t really matter and all the stuff looked that nice to the audience it should.
Working with the UE4 impressed me a bit, but it won’t go on for me. Creating a really good game needs much more knowledge of scripting, blueprint-work, 3D-modelling, etc. than i can take time to learn all that.
All you guys here who are experts in all those things will do much better work and have a really great hobby/job.
This is great, thank you. I am using UE5, and I can’t find the DefaultScalability.ini within the Project folder. Do I have to create one from scratch, or have been those settings added to another .ini file?