Emmisive not the same as in editor


I have a firefly which should have a Emmisive Colour. I like how it looks in the blueprint but when I start in editor you do not see the same effect.

Any help?


The amount of bloom/glow from a material is dependent on the exposure, same as you would expect in real life.

You can either adjust your exposure, or your emissive value. Or you can make the bloom/glow consistent at any exposure by piping your emissive value through the EyeAdaptationInverse node before plugging it into the emissive output.

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Alos It seems you are visualizing the untlit instead lit!

No it’s lit.

Ill try this

I cannot find this node. It should be in the material nodes right?

Ah sorry, I didn’t realize this was tagged as UE4. EyeAdaptationInverse is a UE5 node.

For UE4 you should divide your emissive by the EyeAdaptation node, it’s not as accurate but should work well enough.

Once you’ve done this you will most likely need to adjust your emissive intensity until you get a result you like.


Awesome thanks.