emitting a beam emitter from GearVR/any motion controller


I have followed this tutorial ( Intro to Cascade: Creating a Beam Emitter | 07 | v4.2 Tutorial Series | Unreal Engine - YouTube ) on making a beam emitter, and would like to use it as a pointer for my motion controller, how would i go about assigning it to the motion controller? is it something i would be able to do via blueprints or does it need c++/uscripting?

any help would be, as always, much appreciated!


You might want to check out this series: YouTube is not currently available on this device. - YouTube

Jonas as been doing a lot of cool stuff with VR. I’m pretty sure he covers the pointer stuff too.

Hi Jin_VE

Many thanks for the reply!
I will have a look through his stuff and let you know how i get on



Hi Jin_VE and anyone else reading this,

Jonas has some excellent work, but i could not find a specific video on him setting up the laser pointer, but i managed to find another video, which happily has pretty much covered what i needed ( UE4 Setup Laser Beam Tracing For Vive Motion Controller Demonstration - YouTube )
many thanks for the help anyway!
