Emissive materials leave afterimages behind that illuminate distant objects

Hi, as the title says. I’m trying to have a pitch black environment with only a mobile light source (deleted everything else) and only a basic emissive material on my character with a basic white texture on the other objects. But my character leaves behind afterimages that illuminates even very far away objects, gets worse when moving the camera faster.

I tried everything, unlit emissive material, changing various material settings on character and walls, changing every lighting setting there is in the world settings, changing every lumen setting in my post process volume.

The only thing really helping is turning off lumen, but the other illumination methods deal so much worse with dark spaces from my testing.

What would be the best settings if the only source of light is gonna be a handheld lantern with a relatively fast fade into pitch black? On my main Projcet i have the lantern settings fixed already, but if i had to switch away from Lumen that would change everything again.

This is with auto exposure doing it’s thing:

Without auto exposure, faint but still there:

This is and Object beeing lit which is extremely far away, and it’s not just emissive materials but every directly or indirectly lit surface.

What version of the engine are you on?

Version 5.3

i have the same problem :frowning:

That’s pretty interesting. How long do the afterimages last?

If it’s just a few frames, then it’s probably temporal AA / TSR. There are some lumen CVARs buried in the 500-page presentation document from when Lumen was released that can affect things like frame accumulation that gives rise to temporal artefacts, but these should normally be discarded pretty quickly - so if this is a seconds-long afterimage (rather than ghosting/trailing) then it would be something else.

I’ve read about that, but doesnt seem to be the main issue.
Changing AA Method or turning it off completely doesnt seem to improve the issue.

With auto exposure going hard its a continuous issue, but in general it just happens for a few frames when moving the camera.