Hi, I’m trying to show an object that has thousands of tiny lights. I have the materials emissive quality cranked up really high, like 2000. When I get up close to the object the lights are super bright but when I back away from them they totally disappear. Is there a setting that I’m missing that will allow the light to show at a distance?.
Attached are screen shots of the object from different distances.
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This is happening because Bloom in your Post Process is handled by using screen space. As objects get smaller they won’t use as much area in the screen space and will no longer render the bloom for very small objects from far away.
You can try adjusting the Bloom settings in your post process to help.
Hey Tim,
Worked on this for a while and it actually didn’t have anything to do wit the bloom. Posting this in case anyone else has this issue…
I Was able to fix it by doing 2 things.
- set Texture to no MipMaps
2.The Temporal AA was softening everything but switching over to FXAA cause other issues so I stuck with Temporal AA. Also, I’m using VXGI and was able to get around this problem by turning on the settings indicated in the attachment.
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