Emessive Materials with Lumen

I have a problem with emessive materials on Unreal Engine 5.0.3. My problem is that my object does not emit light, it is just a visual effect. What are the settings to enable/disable on PostProcessing Volume, SkyLight and others? Also, my object emits light only when I see the object. Once I don’t see it anymore, the light disappears.
So to summarize my question is this: How to make an object with an emessive texture without any problem ( what are the parameters to activate, etc… )
Here are two short videos presenting my problems :

If you remove a post process volume from a level, it still doesn’t fully disable the post process effect. You need to go into the Project Settings → Rendering and disable features in there. These are the default settings that runs on the project. A post process volume replaces these settings however.

I think you can enable or disable the emissive materials in lumen, so that they will act like light sources.

The first thing I would do is to set the exposure of the post process volume to a static value to see if that helps.

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So, i have to:

  • set the PostProcess Volume to Static
  • Go to my Projet Settings → Rendering, and disable which features ?
    And i dont think we can enable or disable the emessive materials in Lumen, or maybe ?

You will have to play around with the features you disable. I would fist look at the exposure to make sure it isn’t causing the issues you are facing.

How can i set PostProcessing Volume in Static ?

You don’t have to set the Post Process Volume to static, you need to set the exposure value or disable it so it doesn’t change to see if it makes a difference.

Where can i find these options ?

Hi there @Mister_Zarkin, hope you’re well!

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Don’t use emissive materials for main lights, lumen only works with object in screen space, if something is outside the light disappear :face_in_clouds:


So, how can solve my problem ?
I have so many lights, so if i add a point light for all light, that will not work…

Check the lumen debug views.

Make sure the emissive asset has mesh distance fields, that they are as thick and large as possible, at least 10 cm would be good, make sure it has emissive light source checked.

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i dont understand sory, can u make an video pls ?

Hi Zarkin,

Ultimately you’d want to use a combination of emissive materials and point/spot lights to light your scene. (You can save performance by turning off shadow casting on lights)

I did just try out the ‘Emissive Light Source’ setting on my emissive static mesh, and was pleased with the results.


I did that but i didn’t see the difference

I just wanted to say Thank you, all of you, for your help with this, this is great info! :wink: