Elium - Prison Escape

UE4 Render of the main character

Looks pretty good, though I might have expected a little more subsurface scattering, especially on his nose. Is the rim lighting actually the result of yellow and blue lights in opposite directions? (I assume it is because of the fog color.) Or is that built into the material? (I think it might be a good idea to build it into the material because it would be a pain to design the whole game with dramatic lighting in every location.)

How does he look in UDK? You’re not switching now are you?

Doubt he will swith,but +1 for a udk dx11 subsurface scaterring comparison :cool:

Looks good. I would just suggest that the starting point of the pottery projectile be up and to the right from the camera.

@Nathaniel3W there’s quite some SSS but somehow the angle of the light killed it in this shot (but I’ll make more)
the rim lighting is the result for the lights, yes. and the fog is the same lights affecting the (new) volumetric fog. none of this is built into the material because this is just a poster / promo shot (the game itself has its own lighting setup in a much more regular fashion, as it needs to be more predictable than dramatic because lights and shadows are used for stealth)

In UDK he looks more standard as well. the pseudo-SSS I made in UDK is much less correct and less soft-looking, and again the lighting is just gameplay scenery lighting.
aside from that the shaders are similar (I have my own pseudo-PBR implementation in UDK), and the material setup is basically the same (diffuse + normal + spec + detail textures).
I could quickly do a similar scene with the same lighting in UDK, but I will not spend time setting up a DX11 material for it. That means if I make a comparison shot it would be with my pseudo-SSS and without tessellation

and no I’m not switching to UE4, I just decided to use it for promo shots :slight_smile:

I want a demo now

Excellent for a promo shot, .

due to popular demand (yeah, 2 guys asking for the same thing is “popular” in this forum :smiley: ), here’s the comparison shot

of course it can never be 1:1 because so many things are different:

  • all the lights are placed with the same location+rotation+color, but I had to tweak them to make up for the extreme difference caused by UE4 lights’ inverse squared falloff. I got close but some proved too tricky to match (specially the orange light in the neck area and forehead).
  • the materials don’t match completely, especially noticeable in the shirt’s detail normalmap.
  • the hair and beard are masked with TemporalAA in UE4, while in UDK they are translucent. this explains the big difference in the shading across the 2 engines, and most noticeably the lack of self-shadowing in hair and beard in UDK
  • I was using the new volumetric fog in UE4 4.16 to make the colored haze/fog effect. in UDK I had to get creative to get the same effect in-engine.
  • both the UE4 and the UDK screenshots are taken in-engine with no retouching.

so, now the UDK version:

Some apparent differences UDK / UE4. I prefer the UDK (‘retro’ lol) look in the pics but I think the overall UE4 look would be more realistic.

I was having translucency problems with the Reichstag dome(backdrop only), it’s either barely invisible or starkly visible so I’m seeing what you mean with the hair - can’t do anything with it XD

Satisfied :cool:

It shoud probably be possible to squeeze a litle more with the hair in udk.

But i think the polycount thread is using some heavy geometry for this.The same as that samarithan dude from the e3 demo.

barely any difference really, and once he is a little character running round on the screen those differences will not be noticeable
well done

Both looks very similar, reminds to me to the old comparatives PS3 vs Xbox 360, where it was dificult to see the differences (in some games).

here’s another UE4 render. this one has a more direct lighting which better highlights the SSS
I’m not very satisfied with the hair and beard shading but it’ll do

no UDK comparison this time though

Im not sure if its too late to say this,but i find his beard to be incredibly smooth(close to hair)and clean.The ark it perfoms in the mustache area is just too perect.Maybe mess up the way it flows, and more curly and random volume ?

the beard looks smoother because the beard hairs are thinner compared to the scalp hair. as such, the AA and downsampling make a blurry mess out of it. I can try to make them thicker actually

now something new:
here’s a gameplay video captured by Troy Harrison Chriest on youtube. a commentary version will come up soon

very epic!

“Epic” @ and also at your games @Neongho :slight_smile:

@, I like the attention-to-detail and the subtlety of the UI which isn’t in your face so I’m not distracted from the game environment. Fantastic work man!

One criticism is the black light shadows. I usually use SpotLightMovable with light functions - movement shadow effects could be added to the mat. I suspect I’m telling you what you already know but I had to say something.

By the way,i just saw this posted by the same user of the video.SLI with udk.

Can anyone with sli confirm?

Some time ago i did saw on the forums that for crossfire,you can rename the udks game exe to alice madness returns and that way it shoud pick up from the profile drivers the crossfire set up of that UE3 game and apply it to your udk game.No idea if it works.

@Snipe34 my lights already have movement, which is achieved by literally moving the light which shifts the shadows. the effect is slight though, otherwise it’s too distracting.
adding a light function with a texture (like your example with a “grill”) would just create a fake shadow that wouldn’t correspond to the torch. right now the shadow already matches the torch geometry which is what I intended.
take a closer look at the torch shadow on the vase gif:

you can see it shifts the position, and of course matches the torch.

I understand your criticism but given those 2 constraints I mentioned (corresponding geometry, shadow tilting that shouldn’t be too distracting) I don’t see many options to improve the effect.

@O_and_N indeed that’s the same youtuber with my game.
I can’t confirm because I don’t have SLI or crossfire. But the guy claims to get 60fps at 4K thanks to SLI in my game (and his video is indeed 4k), which I can’t get any close to (I get 60fps at 1080p on my 970, but 4k gives me 25-30 fps)

WOW man, you never stop to surprise us!!! I know there are a lot of cool games made in UDK, but, in my opinion, your game Elium - Prison Escape, stands out from others. I am trully impressed with your skills brother. Congratulations.

By the way, whenever I was looking that youtuber gameplay, I have seen that your loading screen, which shows the control scheme, after it loads the game data, it gives a message “Press any key to continue”. So how can I do this because the default UT Game Loading Menu is setup to loop a bink video, then after the game map loads data, it automatically starts the game?

I have a created a custom mission briefing animation in Flash/Scaleform to use inside the udk loading menu swf file (included in UDK Instalation), because whenever you remove the bink video from ini file so it will load the default udk loading menu. So I need that the game only starts after sometime and only after the player presses any key, so it will give time for the flash animation to be played.

Any hints?