Editor vs play mode extreme different lighting

I use version 4.19.2 and after full build lighting, i have very different illumination between editor and play mode or standalone.

In editor mode the illumination is correct but in play mode/stand alone is very too dark as if there were no lights.

Below two images:
first in editor after build lighting

second in play mode after build lighting

Someone can help me?

Any time lights start to thwart my experience, I typically blame auto-exposure. In your post-process volume, try changing exposure min and max to 1.0. If that doesn’t work, come back and we’ll talk about it.

Also, make sure unbound (or infinite extent, not sure what it’s called) in your post-process is ticked.

Exposure min and max already have value 1.
I clean the cache and validate with SwarmAgent and increase cache from 10 to 100
I already to delete content on this path C:\Users{your_nick}\AppData\Local\UnrealEngine.

My exposure setting

Editor mode

Viewport mode


My Rig (all drivers and windows patch are all up-to-date)

I don’t use the post process volume because I decided to use the main character FPS camera.
I set speed up and down same value 0 (=0.002).

for now, no solution

Hmm… so you’re not using a post-process volume. You’re using the post process settings in the character’s camera then? If that’s the case, that explains your issue. In editor mode, the viewport won’t be able to access the character’s post process since it’s specific to that camera. What I would do is make a post process volume in your level, set it to unbound, and copy the settings from your character’s camera to the volume then disable the post process in your camera. That way what you see in editor is how it will look in game.

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Go to your skylight, click on button “Recapture”. The different lighting its due to the difference between the actual lighting and the last cubemap from scene on the skylight.

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Very nice thanks. To set the Exposure in Post-Process Volume solved the issue of the different render in game mode. Cheers

Thanks man!

This solves the problem!

My issue was different lightning in editor and game mode, I have changed my directional light to night (placed it under level) but my editor was showing me daylight. So, clicking on recapture on skylight solved it for me. Thanks :smile:

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