Assertion failed: (Index >= 0) & (Index < ArrayNum)
[\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\Containers/Array.h] [Line: 674]
Array index out of bounds: 0 from an array of size 0
UE4Editor.exe has triggered a breakpoint.
The program '[13792] UE4Editor.exe' has exited with code 0 (0x0).
Sir, i tried your experimental solution but the problem remain the same, don’t you think my cast the struct is even not created or not availabe to make the correct row size to be randomized?
i think thats why GetByRef = StructArr[FMath::RandRange(0, StructArr.Num() - 1)]; is complaining about Array index out of bounds: 0 from an array of size 0
how can I increase the size of the struct array if this the reason for Assertion failed: (Index >= 0) & (Index < ArrayNum) ?
currently I have the struct of size 16 and I am randomizing it like
If I had to guess it’s because all your ProbabilityPercent values are greater than 1 and you’re failing the `i <= WeaponItemDatas.ProbabilityPercent’ check.
You should get more familiar with your debugger, set a breakpoint and step through the code and watch the variables as they change and are checked.
I am already making the space for them from 1 to 99 and the addition of all ProbabilityPercent values = 100 , so I should have an array of size 99 automatically logically but I don’t know where I miss something and the array is not populating by itself to the correct size.
void AMyGameMode::RandomItemNumber(nt32& Number)
TArray<int32> Arr{};
TArray<FName> OutRowNames{};
int32 GetByCopy{};
if (const UDataTable* DT_ItemNumberProbability = LoadObject<UDataTable>(NULL, TEXT("/Game/DataTables/DT_ItemNumbarProbability")))
OutRowNames = DT_ItemNumberProbability->GetRowNames();
for (auto& Array : OutRowNames)
if (const UDataTable* DT_ItemNumberProbability{ LoadObject<UDataTable>(GetWorld(), TEXT("/Game/DataTables/DT_ItemNumbarProbability")) })
if (const FST_ItemNumberProbability * OutRow{ DT_ItemNumberProbability->FindRow<FST_ItemNumberProbability>(FName(Array), "") })
if (OutRow)
NumberProbabilityDatas = *OutRow;
for ( int32 i = 1; i <= NumberProbabilityDatas.Percent; i++)
GetByCopy = Arr[FMath::RandRange(1, 99)]; //Set Random Array Length
Number = GetByCopy;
Really, you need to re-think this entire operation. There is no reason whatsoever to build an array of 100 items to calculate a percentile. It’s just a simple math and an if comparison.
You are doing this in probably the most complex way imaginable, and that’s why you are having trouble with every single operation.
this is the goal , I can’t imagine any other simple way achieve this, ex: every weapon will know which accessories it should use, ex: sniper know that big range scopes are intended to use by snipers, actually every weapon know what accessories and other types it should use by type and ID.
look a to this accessories data table, every accessory has its own ID of weapon to be used.
ID 1 and 2 are DMR/AR and 3 is SR
if accessory don’t have a weapon ID, its mean it can be used with all weapons
I finally managed to test if the arrays are actually generated with random groups of random item arrays in range of [0, 99] and in the result every thing works fine, the minimum number of items/rows is 3 and the maximum is 5, every item is generated and not duplicated in the group.
So RandomItemNumbers(); and RandomItemType(); working fine.