Edit: Why array size not increased on adding items? C++

I will try to do a quick edit, but this is not guaranteed it will work, but you will get better understandings of your mistakes in your code

case EItemType::E_Weapon:
			if (const UDataTable* DT_ItamWeaponRows = LoadObject<UDataTable>(GetWorld(), TEXT("/Game/DataTables/DT_ItamWeapon")))
				OutRowNames = DT_ItamWeaponRows->GetOutRowNames();
			for (auto& StructArrElem  : OutRowNames)
				if (const UDataTable* DT_ItamWeapon{ LoadObject<UDataTable>(GetWorld(), TEXT("/Game/DataTables/DT_ItamWeapon")) })
					if (const FST_ItemWeapon * OutRow{ DT_ItamWeapon->FindRow<FST_ItemWeapon>(FName(StructArrElem ), "") })
						if (OutRow)
							WeaponItemDatas = *OutRow;
							TempItemTypeAndID_var.ID = StructArrElem ;
				for (int i = 1; i <= WeaponItemDatas.ProbabalityPercent; i++)
					TempItemTypeAndID_var.Type = EItemType::E_Weapon;


hope it helps

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Thank you very much Sir :upside_down_face: , you just solved my problem to increase the array size on the bases of a ProbabalityPercent, but if i will have issue adding items I will open another thread,
Thank you all for contributing to fix this issue :slight_smile:

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glad it works

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