I’m still getting the hang of UE4, having moved from UDK, so bear with me please! Also I’m not too experienced with lighting
Anyways, I built a greybox for a level on a project I’m working on. Most of the rooms have no windows. Everything is just always so dark. One point light is often not powerful enough to light up a room, but when I put two next to each other one of them gets that big “X” on it and doesn’t work.
Since I’m not interested in lighting specifics yet, and more interested in just having light that is consistent, and bright enough to see where you are going, what would be the best approach? Is there something I can set in a light mass importance volume or post process volume that will help?
Anything helps! Thanks
edit: I just tried it on another computer. Apparently the graphics card on this computer sucks and is heavily changing the lighting (and making everything dark). Maybe there’s something that can be done about that?
Two things that I would do to help with the initial setup phase of building a level. First is Post Process related, teh engine by default does some wonderfully physics based calculations for eye adaption, which is great when you crafting the final look of you level but can be cumbersome when you are working on initial level design. You can add a Post Process Volume and set it to unbound (making it global) and set the Max and Min Brightness under Auto Exposure to 1.0. This will disable Eye Adaption until you are ready to look into crafting that look in your level. I might also add a skylight which does not cast shadows but does affect the world which should allow you to have some general non-specific illumination everywhere. When you are ready I would also spend some time reviewing our documentation about the lighting types because while much is similar to UDK the lighting system is overhauled significantly and with new functionality that does have a learning curve. IN particular focus on the section about the new Stationary Light Type versus Static and Movable, found beginning here: