Easy Logger Plugin

A plugin to make the development process easier.

  • Efficient Debugging: With different verbosity levels (Error, Warning, Display), you can tailor the logging to suit your debugging needs. This means you’ll catch errors early, ensuring smoother development cycles and quicker bug fixes. Flexible Integration: This system can adapt to your workflow, whether you’re logging into the console or displaying messages on-screen. Additionally, it’s seamlessly integrated with Unreal Engine’s existing debugging tools, enhancing your development experience.
  • Convenient Usage: Convenience functions like LogInfo, LogWarning, and LogError make logging with object context a breeze. You get detailed messages that pinpoint exactly where an issue occurred, saving you precious time during debugging sessions.
  • Flexible Integration: Whether you’re logging into the console or displaying messages on-screen, this system adapts to your workflow. Plus, it’s seamlessly integrated with Unreal Engine’s existing debugging tools, enhancing your development experience.
  • Enhanced Readability: By formatting messages with object names, you improve the readability of your logs. This makes it easier for you and your team to understand what’s happening in the game at any given moment, fostering better collaboration and faster problem-solving.
  • Scalable and Maintainable: As your project grows, having a robust logging system in place ensures that you can easily track and manage errors. You can extend this system with additional functionality as needed, maintaining code cleanliness and scalability.

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