Dynamic Shadows disappear in VR

Hello :slight_smile:
i encountered an error and hope that someone can help me… ^^"

When i work in the editor the shadows from my stationary lights look just fine and exactly like i want them to (i have five of them in the level, the other lights are all static) and when i start the game all dynamic shadows disappear :frowning:

does anyone know what the cause of this is and how i can fix it?

I have the forward shading and MSAA enabled.

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so i tried a few things and found out that this “error” occured because i hadn´t rebuild the scene… wasn´t aware that you had to do that in order to prevent such situtations :confused: but at least if somebody else searches for this “error” there is now an answer here ^^"

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but at least if somebody else searches for this “error” there is now an answer here

I searched for it and found it - thanks :slight_smile: It wasn’t obvious because dynamic shadows work even if the lighting has not been built, as long as you are in first or third person mode, but not in VR mode.