Dynamic materials work perfectly as long as I create them in PostInitializeComponents or in the constructor. But if I at some point try to execute the same bit of code during gameplay it stops working.
Here’s what I have:
void AWBaseCharacter::PostInitializeComponents()
void AWBaseCharacter::ReCreateDynamicMaterials()
USkeletalMeshComponent* mesh = GetMesh();
for (int32 i = 0; i < mesh->GetNumMaterials(); ++i)
void AWBaseCharacter::SetCharacterSkin_Multi_Implementation(const FString& aSkin)
const static FString ContextString("GENERAL");
auto rowHandle = mCharacterSkinTable->FindRow<FCharacterSkinLookupTable>(*aSkin, ContextString);
if (!rowHandle)
UE_LOG(WLog, Log, TEXT("No character skin matching lookup: %s"), *aSkin);
auto animBluePrint = rowHandle->AnimationBlueprint;
auto skelMesh = rowHandle->SkeletalMesh;
auto bodyMat = rowHandle->MaterialBody;
auto headMat = rowHandle->MaterialHead;
GetMesh()->SetMaterial(0, headMat);
GetMesh()->SetMaterial(1, bodyMat);
void AWBaseCharacter::SetCharacterColor_Multi_Implementation(int32 aTeam)
USkeletalMeshComponent* mesh = GetMesh();
for (int32 i = 0; i < mesh->GetNumMaterials(); ++i)
if (auto mat = Cast<UMaterialInstanceDynamic>(mesh->GetMaterial(i)))
mat->SetVectorParameterValue(TEXT("playerclr"), AWGameState::GetTeamColor(aTeam));
if I omitt the “GetMesh()->SetMaterial()” it works fine as it did before, but I desperately need to be able to set the materials. Any idea how to fix this?
PS: This isn’t the entire code as it would bloat the entire page, but I call SetCharacterColor_Multi elsewhere, which works fine as long as I haven’t called SetMaterial beforehand.