Bit of a newbie to UE4 so I may be missing something obvious. I am trying to change the colour of a static mesh using C++. I read that Dynamic material instances were the way to go here. My understanding is that you can create an instance in BeginPlay, and then set the parameters of that material during the game.
Here is what I went for:
UMaterialInstanceDynamic* Material;
// ctor
static ConstructorHelpers::FObjectFinder<UMaterial> NodeMaterial(TEXT("Material'/Game/Teleportation/TeleportNodeMaterial.TeleportNodeMaterial'"));
if (NodeMaterial.Succeeded()) {
Mesh->SetMaterial(0, NodeMaterial.Object);
void ATeleportNode::BeginPlay()
// This works as I thought
Material = UMaterialInstanceDynamic::Create(Mesh->GetMaterial(0), NULL);
Material->SetVectorParameterValue(TEXT("BaseColor"), FLinearColor::Red);
Mesh->SetMaterial(0, Material);
// Using the Material later
void ATeleportNode::OnTeleportFrom_Implementation()
Occupied = false;
for (ATeleportNode* node : ConnectedNodes) {
// Material is now NULL
Material->SetVectorParameterValue(TEXT("BaseColor"), FLinearColor::Red);
Mesh->SetMaterial(0, Material);
I thought it was possible to have a member variable store the dynamic material, but later when I try to use it, the pointer is NULL. It seems like the instance is being destroyed somewhere once BeginPlay has been run, but I can’t see where.