Dynamic Culling for movable objects on Android/Oculus Go

Hi there,
Im starting with Unreal for a while and I created an fictional visualization for myself to see what is possible on an Android 7 OculusGo Device. Due to the fact, that on Android static objects have only low quality specularity and reflection I prebaked the lighting in Cinema 4D and multiplied them in the diffuse channel. So i was able to set the object to movable and work with a better quality Specular Map. It seems on Android there is no Dynamic Occlusion Culling and Precomputed visibility only works on static objects under Android.

So Questions are:

  1. Does Unreal under Android cull movable objects behind the camera?

  2. If not, makes it sense to find a porgramming solution to set these objects behind the camera to visibility=false?

  3. Is there a way to generate higher quality Specs and reflection on static objects with prebaked lighting under Android?

At the moment the sece is not optimized and runs with ca. 30fps ( in the shown view)
For help or further tipps I am always thankfull.
Thanx for reading and hopefully answering.

Greetings from Germany,